This article helps you understand Campaigns in Argenta. Campaigns can be very helpful when working toward completing a particular goal. Campaigns can be used for a few different things, but specifically as fundraising campaigns, they can be used to create special public donation pages, to encourage your donors to give for a specific reason. Once a campaign is created you can assign it to items like donations so that you can track the progress and effectiveness of each campaign. However you decide to use campaigns, they are associated to many modules in Argenta and they are a very powerful reporting tool.
Campaigns are integrated, meaning they're connected to many of the modules in Argenta. They can be used to organize outcomes, track metrics and provide powerful reports, and to help give you a clear picture of what types of promotion and fundraising works best for your organization.
Adding a campaign is simple, you can find instructions on how to add a campaign in our other KB Article -
Add Campaigns.
The focus of this article is the Campaign Workspace. Once your Campaign is listed in your campaigns screen (Sales & Marketing - Campaigns) you will click
the corresponding open

icon for the Campaign you wish to work with. This opens the Campaign Workspace:
Remember this is a workspace and as such, it has 12 tabs of information. Let’s go tab-by-tab and explore the information available
to you for Campaigns and how to utilize it:
1. Campaign Details tab:
The details screen shows you detailed information about your campaign:
On this tab the details you should complete are:
- Record Level Permissions - Set As View Only - Placing a checkmark in this box restricts this
record to view only access unless the user is the user who created the record,
the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to modify
this record on the Record Permissions tab of this
record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or
precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these
permissions, they will only be able to see records in the
departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
- Record Level Permissions - Lock This Record - Placing a checkmark in this box locks this
record so that users cannot view or update the record unless the user is the
user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given
specific permission to access this record on the Record Permissions tab
of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district
and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these
permissions, they will only be able to see records in the
departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
- Campaign Status - Select a status for your campaign. Your options are: New, In preparation, In Progress, Ongoing, Closed/Complete, and On Hold. This is a required field. Use these options for:
- New - When you are starting to work on the campaign and entering the details of the campaign, your campaign status should be set to "New". Your public design form is not available externally in this status.
- In Preparation - When your preparations are underway for the campaign, your campaign status should be set to "In Preparation". Your public design form is not available externally in this status.
- In Progress - When you are ready to run your campaign, your campaign status should be set to "In Progress". This opens your public design form externally, so that donations can be taken.
- Ongoing - If your campaign is ongoing, or never really ends, then your campaign status should be set to "Ongoing". This opens your public design form externally, so that donations can be taken.
- Closed/Complete - When your campaign is complete, your campaign status should be set to "Closed/Complete". Your public design form is not available externally in this status.
- On Hold - If you need to put the campaign on hold, your campaign status should be set to "On Hold". Your public design form is not available externally in this status.
- Start Date - Enter the start date of your campaign here. You can manually enter a date or use the calendar selector.
- End Date - Enter the end date of your campaign here. You can manually enter a date or use the calendar selector.
- Campaign Title - You assign a title for your Campaign here. This title is how you
identify the campaign in the list. You may or may not want to display
this title on your public fundraising or marketing forms. If you do want
to display it publicly, make sure to check the box. This is a required field.
- Campaign Owner - Click the lookup
button to search for and select the team member you would like to
designate as the Campaign Owner. This should be the person on your team
who is managing the campaign. - UTM Code - A UTM code is code that is attached to your custom URL for tracking. If you wish to use a UTM code, you need to enter it here.
- Campaign Type - You can select a campaign type for this campaign by using the drop-down list here. Types help you filter your campaigns later.
- Campaign Category - You can select a campaign category for this campaign from the drop-down list here. Categories help you filter your campaigns later. If an appropriate category is not listed you can add a new one by selecting the Add New
button. Campaign Categories are Classification Codes in Argenta. - Final Outcome - When your campaign is complete you will want to set a final outcome here by selecting one from the drop-down list. If an appropriate final outcome is not listed you can add a new one by selecting the Add New
button. Final Outcomes are Classification Codes in Argenta. - Chapter - If this campaign belongs to a specific chapter within
your organization or you wish to restrict users by chapter, select the
appropriate chapter from the drop-down list. If you have users in your
system who are restricted by chapter, they will only be able to see records in
the chapters you have granted them access to.
- Division - If this campaign belongs to a specific division
within your organization or you wish to restrict users by division, select the
appropriate division from the drop-down list. If you have users in your
system who are restricted by division, they will only be able to see records in
the divisions you have granted them access to.
- Department - If this campaign belongs to a specific department
within your organization or you wish to restrict users by department, select
the appropriate department from the drop-down list. If you have users in your
system who are restricted by department, they will only be able to see records
in the departments you have granted them access to.
- District - If this campaign belongs to a specific
district within your organization or you wish to restrict users by
district, select the appropriate district from the drop-down list. If you
have users in your system who are restricted by district, they will only
be able to see records in the districts you have granted them access to.
- Precinct - If this campaign belongs to a specific
precinct within our organization or you wish to restrict users by
precinct, select the appropriate precinct from the drop-down list. If you
have users in your system who are restricted by precinct, they will only
be able to see records in the precincts you have granted them access to.
Once these details have been entered it is important to save your changes before moving on. Click the "Save All Changes & Continue" button to save your changes and move on to the next tab.
***"Get/Copy The Public Form Link" - Use this button to copy your Public Form Link. If you're using campaigns for fundraising you can setup a fundraising
form where supporters can make donations specifically for that
fundraising campaign. You need to use this link to correspond to this campaign! You can design your form with a banner image and a rich content section on the Public Form Design tab (Gone over below). Campaign forms are closed when the End Date is reached or the status is changed from In Process or Ongoing.
2. Public Form Tab:
The Public Form tab controls your public campaign form:
The information you need to fill out here is:
- Include in Public Form - Place a checkmark in this box to add the Fundraising Progress indicator to your public form.
- Banner Image - If you would like to set the banner image for your public form you will add one here. You can click the "Browse" button to search your computer and select the image, or you can drag and drop the image into the "Drag & Drop" box. Remember to click the 'Save Selected Banner Image' button to complete the image upload!
- Fundraiser Description - If a donor uses the campaign link to access your donation/Registration form, and the
campaign is active, they will see this description on the donation form. To create or edit the description click the "Edit Description" button. This opens a text box field where you can format your description anyway you see fit and add images, files or links. If you don't have a public donation form yet, ask your account manager. Public interfaces are included with your Argenta subscription at no additional cost.
Your public donation form will use this campaign title and description, and display the public image you select. When a visitor makes a donation using this link, the donation will be connected to the campaign for tracking and reporting purposes. The donation will appear in both your Donation section and here in the Campaign Workspace, on the "Budget & Financials" tab.
Automated processes are a huge benefit of using Argenta. In this case, when donors use this form the process is automated from start to finish. The donation is logged and added to your General Ledger appropriately. If the donor is a new donor, they're created as both a constituent and a donor in the system. All of these pieces run flawlessly and automatically so you don't have to do anything past the initial form design.
Anytime a new donation is received an automatic email will be sent notifying the person that is on record for donation notifications. To edit these setting please see our other KB Article - How to Manage Your Subscription Settings.
3. Email Batches Tab:
This tab will show you all the emails sent on behalf of the campaign. You can also send an email from this tab. This is where you can send reminders or other emails related to the campaign. You can pick a template and send and email straight from this tab. Remember
to remind your constituents to white list so email
from your organization doesn't get stuck in their spam filters.
4. Associated Events Tab:
If there is a corresponding event or fundraiser tied to this campaign, it will be listed here. If you do not see your event listed, go in and check that the event has this campaign associated to it. You can click on the Event ID to go into the event details screen. This will open the event screen where you can view or edit the events details.
5. Budget & Financials Tab:
This tab houses all of your budget and financial information. Here there are five additional tabs of information: Projected Expenses, Actual Expenses, Projected Income, Actual Income, and Financial Summary. Lets go over each of these tabs in detail:
5. A. Projected Expense:
On this tab you can build out your projected expenses. That is, you can add in the expenses you believe you will incur as a result of this campaign. To add a
projected expense to this campaign, click the "Add New" button:
This opens the "Add A Projected Expense" window. From here you will fill in the details of your projected expense:
- Cost - Enter the projected cost for your expense.
- Expense Name - Enter a name for your expense.
- Expense Description - Enter a description of your expense.
Once these details have been entered click the "Add This Record" button to add your projected expense to the projected expenses. Make sure to save all your
expenses before moving on by clicking the "Save All" button.
5. B. Actual Expenses:
Once you start coding your actual expenses to this campaign, they can be viewed here as well as in your business expenses. If you feel an expense is not showing
go to the expense and make sure this campaign is attached to it. You can view and expense by clicking on the ID number of the expense you wish to view.
5. C. Projected Income:
On this tab, you can build your projected income. That is the income you expect you will make from this campaign. To build your projected income click the
"Add New" button:
This will open the "Add A Projected Income Item" screen. Here you will need to enter:
- Amount - Enter a projected amount for this income item.
- Income Source - Enter the source for your income item. ie. Donations, sponsorships, etc.
- Description - Enter a description for the income item.
Once these details have been enter you will click the "Add This Record" button. This adds your project income item. Be sure and save all your items before moving
on by clicking the "Save All" button.
5. D. Actual Income:
Once your campaign is live and you start collecting donations and payments, these income items will be shown here. You can open any item listed here by clicking
the associated ID number to open the item.
5. E. Financial Summary:
A financial summary is provide on this tab. Here you will find your projected income and expenses along with your actual income and expenses. This shows you
how your campaign is doing in financial terms. You can print this report by clicking the "Print to PDF" button.
6. Analytics & Metrics Tab:
This tab shows you all the metrics and data about your campaign efforts. It will show you your fundraising, Sales, Campaign response, email Marketing, Social Media, pay-per-click, and sourcing results. To get started with Analytics and Metrics, you first need to enter a campaign budget and projected revenue on the previous tab: Budget & Financials (See above). Each analytic or metric is on its own screen. Let's cover each of these. To change screens click the analytic or metric you wish to see:
Lets go, screen by screen to see what each analytic or metric will show you:
6. A. Fundraising Results:
This screen shows you your fundraising Results. These metrics include: Campaign Budget (From Budget & Financials), Projected Revenue (From Budget & Financials),
Total Donations (From Donations), Total Expenses (From Business Expenses), and Total Revenue (After your Expenses). It includes a fundraising progress meter as well:
Once your public form is used, you will start to see your progress on this screen. Once your campaign is complete this is your one stop place for how well the fundraiser
when in terms of results.
6. B. Sales Results:
This screen shows you your sales results. These metrics include: Leads Acquired (From Lead Acquisition), Total Demos/Trials (From Demos & Appointments),
Leads Converted (From Sales Conversions), Cost Per Lead, Cost Per Conversion, and Total Spend (From Budget & Financials):
6. C. Campaign Response:
This screen shows you your campaign response. These metrics include: Total Targeted, Response Projected and Total Response. Here you will fill in your total targets
and your response projected. Your total targets is how may targets you plan to reach with this campaign. Your response projected is how many responses you
project you will receive from this campaign. The Total Response is automatically filled in by the number of donations you receive from this campaign. When filling in
your target and projected fields please click the "Save Changes" button to save your changes:
6. D. Email Marketing:
This screen shows you your email marketing efforts. These metrics include: Total Emails Sent, Emails Opened, Emails Not Opened, Bounced Emails, Unsubscribes,
and Spam Reports. These metrics are derived from your email batches sent through our system. For more information on email batches please see our
6. E. Social Media:
This screen shows you your social media results. These metrics include: Total Clicks, Total Likes, Total Shares and Total Follows. To use the social media marketing
results section you need to load your result sets. You do this by clicking the "Add New" button:
This will open the "Add A New Social Media Result Set" panel:
From here you need to enter the details of your social media result set:
- Source - Select the source of your result set from the drop-down list. Your options are Unknown/Other or N/A, Facebook Paid Marketing, Google Ads, LinkedIn Paid Marketing, or Twitter Paid Marketing.
- Clicks - Here you will enter the number of clicks you received from the social media effort.
- Likes - Here you will enter the number of likes you received from the social media effort.
- Shares - Here you will enter the number of shares you had from the social media effort.
- Follows - Here you will enter the number of follows you received from the social media effort.
Once these metrics have been entered, click the "Add This Result Set" button to add your result set. You will see your results change above:
6. F. Pay Per Click:
This screen shows you your pay per click results. These metrics include: Total Impressions, Total Clicks/Results, Average Bid, and Average Cost Per Bid. To use the
Pay Per Click section you first need to enter your Pay Per Click Result Sets. You do this by clicking the "Add New" button:
This opens the "Add A New Pay Per Click Result Set" panel:
From here you need to enter the details from your pay per click result set:
- Source - Select the source for the payer per click result set from the drop-down list. Your options are Unknown/Other or N/A, Facebook Paid Marketing, Google Ads, LinkedIn Paid Marketing, or Twitter Paid Marketing.
- Impressions - Here you will enter the number of Impressions you received from your pay per click efforts.
- Clicks - Here you will enter the number of clicks you received from your pay per click efforts.
- Bid - Here you will enter the bid dollar amount from your pay per click efforts.
- Cost Per Click - Here you will enter the dollar amount for the cost per click.
Once these details have been filled out, click the "Add This Result Set" button to add your result set. You will see your results change above:
6. G. Sourcing Results:
This screen shows you your sourcing results. These metrics include: Total Connection Requests, Total Accepted, Total Messages Sent, and Total Responses.
To use the sourcing results you first need to upload your sourcing result sets. You do this by click the "Add New" button:
This will open the "Add A New Sourcing Result Set" panel:
From here you need to enter the details from your sourcing result set:
- Source - Select the source of your result set from the drop-down list. Your options are Unknown/Other or N/A, Facebook Paid Marketing, Google Ads, LinkedIn Paid Marketing, or Twitter Paid Marketing.
- Connections Sent - Here you will enter the number of connections sent for this social media effort.
- Connections Accepted - Here you will enter the number of connections accepted from this social media effort.
- Messages Sent - Here you will enter the number of shares you had from the social media effort.
- Message Responses - Here you will enter the number of responses you received from this social media effort.
Once these details have been filled out, click the "Add This Result Set" button to add your result set. You will see your results change above:

7. Acquisition Tab:
This tab will show you the leads that were acquired as a result of this campaign. These are not your converted leads, just new leads you have obtained from this campaign. If your new lead is missing from one of these tabs, go into the leads’ constituent card and associate them to this campaign. Here you will find eight additional tabs of information: Acquisition Summary, Clients/Customers, Donors, Leads/Opportunities, Material Donations, Members, Pledges and Volunteers. Lets go over each of these in detail:
7. A. Acquisition Summary
This tab shows you your campaign acquisition summary. This includes: Clients/Customers Acquired, Donors Acquired, Leads Acquired, Members Acquired, Volunteers
Acquired, and Total Acquisitions. These figures are pulled from their respective tabs:
7. B. Clients/Customers
This tab shows you the clients/customers you acquired as a result of this campaign. You can view a client/customer record by selecting the respective ID number for the
client/customer you wish to view. Remember, these are not your converted clients/customers, just new clients/customers you have obtained from this campaign.
7. C. Donors
This tab shows you the donors you acquired as a result of this campaign. You can view a donor record by selecting the respective ID number for the donor you wish to view.
Remember, these are not your converted donors, just new donors you have obtained from this campaign.
7. D. Leads/Opportunities
This tab shows you the leads/opportunities you acquired as a result of this campaign. You can view a lead/opportunity record by selecting the respective ID number for the
lead/opportunity you wish to view. Remember, these are not your converted leads, just new leads you have obtained from this campaign.
7. E. Material Donations
This tab shows you the material donations you received as a result of this campaign. You can view a material donation record by selecting the respective ID number for the
material donation you wish to view. Remember, these are not your material donations, just new material donations you have obtained from this campaign.
7. F. Members
This tab shows you the members you acquired as a result of this campaign. You can view a members record by selecting the respective ID number for the member you wish
to view. Remember, these are not your converted members, just new members you have obtained from this campaign.
7. G. Pledges
This tab shows you the pledges you acquired as a result of this campaign. You can view a pledge by selecting the respective ID number for the pledge you wish to view.
Remember, these are not your converted pledges, just new pledges you have obtained from this campaign.
7. H. Volunteers
This tab shows you the volunteers you acquired as a result of this campaign. You can view a volunteer record by selecting the respective ID number for the pledge you
wish to view. Remember, these are not your converted volunteers, just new volunteers you have obtained from this campaign.
8. Sales Conversions Tab:
This tab will show you all the converted leads/opportunities as a result of this campaign. These are your leads that convert to a client, volunteer, etc. from this campaign. Leads are first put into the Leads/Opportunities module and then assigned to the campaign. For information on adding a lead please see KB Article -
Add Leads/Opportunities.
If you acquired new donors as a result of this campaign, they will be listed here. If your new donor is missing from this screen go into the donors’ constituent card and associate them to this campaign. If you would like to update or view the donor’s information you can select the ID number for the record you wish to open and edit the donor’s information.
If you acquired new clients as a result of this campaign, they will be listed here. If your new client
is missing from this screen go into the clients’ constituent card and associate
them to this campaign. If you would like
to update or view the client’s information you can select the ID number for the record you wish to open and edit the client’s information.
If you acquired new members as a result of this campaign, they will be listed here. If your new member is missing from this screen go into the members’ constituent card and associate them to this campaign. If you would like to update or view the member’s information you can select the ID number for the record you wish to open and edit the member's information.
If you acquired new volunteers as a result of this campaign, they will be listed here. If a volunteer is
missing from this screen go into the volunteer’s constituent card and
associated them with this campaign. If
you would like to update or view the volunteer’s information you can select the ID number for the record you wish to open and edit the volunteer’s information.
9. Demos & Appointments Tab:
This tab will show you all the demos and appointments you received as a result of this campaign. If you are missing a demo or appointment go into your Demos & Sales Appointments and associate them with this campaign. If you would like to update or view a demo and sales appointment you can select the ID number for the record you wish to open and edit the information.
10. Files Tab:
Like all other modules and sections in Argenta, you can also add an
unlimited number of files to this campaign. Make sure to save your
changes first before adding files. If you would like to add a file to this campaign you can do so here. This could be a copy of
the campaign flier or any other details you wish to attach to the campaign. Simply click the "Browse" button to search
for and select a file from your computer or drag and drop the file into the
"Drag & Drop File Box". Remember to save your files before moving on by clicking the "Save The Selected File" button. For help with adding a file please see our KB - Add Related Notes.
11. Notes Tab:
If you would like to add any notes to this campaign, you do so in this tab. To add a note, click the "Add
Note" button. This will open the "Add A New Note" screen
where you can type a note. Click the "Save & Add This Note"
button to save the note and be returned to your donation workspace. For help with adding a note please see our KB - Add A Note to the Notes Section.
12. Record Permissions Tab:
This tab controls the record permissions for the donation.
12. A. View Only Access:
Sometimes you want users to be able to view a record but block them from modifying that record. Individual records can be set to View Only so only master admins and users who are listed here can edit them. To grant users permission to modify this record simply add them here. Select a user from the "Select A User To Add" drop-down menu then click the "Add Selected User" button to add the user to the view only access permissions.
12. B. Locked Record Access:
Individual records can be locked so only master admins and users who are listed here can view or edit them. To grant users permissions for this record simply add them here. Select a user from the "Select A User To Add" drop-down menu, then click the "Add Selected User" button to add a user to the locked record access permissions.
Once you've completed all the necessary information for your campaign, its time to publish it. To publish your campaign you set the status on the "Campaign Details" tab to In Progress or Ongoing. Remember, it is very important that you use the campaign link (shown below), to send your supporters to the appropriate form: