A campaign is any effort made by your organization toward completing a particular goal. Campaigns can be used for a few different things. Campaigns can be related to soliciting donations, generating interest for an event, attracting volunteers, or getting the word out about your mission with social media marketing. Once you create a campaign you can assign it to items like donations so you can track the progress of each campaign.  As Fundraising Campaigns, they can be used to create special public donation pages, to encourage your donors to give for a specific reason. As Marketing Campaigns, they can be used to track the effectiveness of a specific marketing effort. Whichever way you decide to use campaigns, they are associated to many modules in Argenta, and they're a very powerful reporting tool!

From the Argenta main menu on the left hand side of the screen select Sales & Marketing > Campaigns:



This will open up your full list of campaigns. From here, click the "Add New" button:


This will open the Add A New Campaign window, where you will enter the details of your campaign:

From this window you need to fill in these details:
  1. Campaign Title - Enter a title for your campaign. This is a required field.
  2. Chapter - If this campaign is tied to a specific chapter in your organization, choose it from the drop-down list here. 
  3. Division - If this campaign is tied to a specific division in your organization, choose it from the drop-down list here. 
  4. Department - If this campaign is tied to a specific department in your organization, choose it from the drop-down list here.
  5. District - If this campaign is tied to a specific district, choose it from the drop-down list here. 
  6. Precinct - If this campaign is tied to a specific precinct, choose it from the drop-down list here.

Click the "Add This Campaign" button. The window will close and you will find your campaign in the list. You have successfully added a new campaign. You will need to add additional details about your campaign. For an overview of Campaigns please see our other KB Article - Overview, Working with Campaigns.