Whether you need to up your subscription users, change your organization's information, add logos, edit your users, change your email settings, or set a dashboard message, this is all done within subscription settings.
To reach your subscription settings, on the Argenta main menu at the top right-hand corner click "Subscription": 

This will open your subscription settings.  There are seven tabs across the top that all have different settings.  Let's explore each tab:
1. Subscription tab:
This is the screen that controls all your organizations information and settings.  Lets explore all of the fields on this tab:
  1.  Account Number - This is your account number with Argenta.  You cannot change it.
  2. Team Name - This is your organization and team name. You can edit and delete as needed. This can be your legal name or a DBA name.
  3. Designated SubscriberThe primary subscriber is the team member acting as the primary contact for your organization. To change the designated subscriber click the Look Up button and select a team member to designate. This is defaulted to the person who signed up for the service in the beginning. This is a required field.
  4. Subscription Start Date - This is the day you signed up and started your Argenta subscription.
  5. Monthly Fee - Monthly fee is the amount that is due each month for your service. This number cannot be changed.
  6. Subscription Type - This will show you what subscription you are currently using. Changing your subscription type will result in a change in your monthly billing costs and an increase or decrease in the number of users you're able to create.
  7. Current # of Records - Billing is done by users and records. This will show you how many records you currently have. This number cannot be changed.
  8. Selected Billing Method - There are two choices: Invoice or Auto Billing or Credit Card.  Invoice or Auto Billing means you will either pay by check or EFT, monthly. Credit Card is where your debit/credit is billed every month for your service.
  9. Organization's EIN - This is your organizations EIN number. You can update the number here, if needed.
  10. Registration # -If you are in a state where an additional registration number is required, you will enter that registration number here.
  11. Organizations Name - This should be your legal name. You can update your name, if needed. This is the name that will be displayed on your invoices, forms, etc.
  12. Phone - This is your organization's main phone number. This will be listed on Invoices and system created forms in Argenta. You can update your phone number, if needed.
  13. Address - This is your organizations address. This will be listed on Invoices and system created forms in Argenta. You can update your address, if needed.
  14. City - This is your organizations address city. This will be listed on Invoices and system created forms in Argenta. You can update your city, if needed.
  15. State - This is your organizations address state. This will be listed on Invoices and system created forms in Argenta. You can update your state, if needed.
  16. Postal Code - This is your zip code for your organizations address. This will be listed on Invoices and system created forms in Argenta. You can update your postal code, if needed.
  17. Upload Your Logo File for Printable Forms - When you create Invoices and other system created letters you may choose to have your logo displayed. Click the "Browse" button to search and select your logo file from your computer. Once selected click the "Upload Logo File" button, to upload your logo into Argenta. Your logo will now be displayed on your invoices and letters.
  18. Upload Your Signature File for Printable Forms - When you use the system created letters, Argenta can add your signature to them electronically. To add your signature, click the "Browse" button to search and select your signature file from your computer. Once selected, click the "Upload Signature File" button, to upload the signature into Argenta.  Your signature will now be place on your system generated letters.
If you have changed of these fields, please click the "Save All Changes" button to save the changes you made.
You can submit a support request, by click the "Submit A Support Request" button.  A support request is any request that you have for custom modifications to your system or other issues that you need help with.
You can cancel your subscription, by clicking the "Cancel Your Subscription" button.
2. Email Settings tab:
This tab contains all your designated notifications for the system. This tab also contains three tabs of information: Designated Email Addresses, Email Address Verification, and Dedicated Sending Domain Settings. Lt's go tab-by-tab.
2.A Designated Email Addresses tab:
To make changes here simply, click into the email address field you wish to make changes to. Here is what each address is tied to:
  1. Primary Email Argenta - Anytime Argenta sends out emails in regards to news or notifications we will use this address. Anytime a system notification is sent a copy of the notification will go to this email address.
  2. Email Address for Client/Customer Notifications - When your clients pay their invoices with your public payment form, this is the email address that will receive the notification of payment. In addition, anytime you send emails to your clients/customers this is the email address they will come from. This is only if the email address has been validated with AWS.
  3. Email Address for Donation Notifications - When you use the online donation form built into Argenta, anytime a new donation is made an email will be sent to this address. In addition, all donation receipts sent from the system come from this email address. This is only if the email address has been validated with AWS.
  4. Email Address for Event Notifications - When you use the online event form built into Argenta, anytime a new registration is made an email will be sent to this address. In addition, anytime you are emailing event invites or forms, this is the email address they come from. This is only if the email address has been validated with AWS.
  5. Email Argenta Will use for Financial Notifications - When employees request expense reimbursements, payments are made online, receivables through public forms and mission trip registrations are made, an email will be sent to this address.
  6. Email Address for Marketing Notifications - Any time a marketing or campaign link is used for donations or sign ups, an email will be sent to this address. In addition, anytime marketing emails are sent from the system this is the email address they come from. This is only if the email address has been validated with AWS.
  7. Email Address for Membership Notifications - When you use the membership online form built into Argenta, an email will be sent to this address every time a new member signs up. In addition, if you send emails out to your membership from the system this is the email address they will come from. This is only if the email address has been validated with AWS.
  8. Email Address for Program Notifications - When a program form is used, like mission trip forms, an email will be sent to this address every time a new program is signed up for. In addition, if you use any program email templates this is the email address they will come from. This is only if the email address has been validated with AWS.
  9. Email Address for Project/Task Notifications - When a participant signs up for a project or task using your public form, an email will be sent to this address. 
  10. Email Address for Staff & HR Notifications - Anytime a staff member submits a time sheet, a paid time off request, or an employment application is submitted, an email will be sent to this email address. In addition, if you email your staff from the system this is the email address they will come from. This is only if the email address has been validated with AWS.
  11. Email Address for Volunteer Notifications - When you use the online volunteer sign up form built into Argenta, anytime a new volunteer signs up, an email will be sent to this email address. In addition, if you use any of the email templates or email your volunteers, this is the email address they will come from. This is only if the email address has been validated with AWS.
  12. Email Address for Voter Notifications - Anytime a delegate makes a payment, an email will be sent to this email address. In addition, if you send emails to your voters this is the email address they will come from. This is only if the email address has been validated with AWS.
If you have made any changes to these emails please select "Save All Change" to save your changes before moving on.
  2. B. Email Address Verification tab:

Email Address Verification for Sending Email Through Argenta with AWS

Argenta allows you to build templates and send out email to your constituents through lists and campaigns. We send those emails using The Amazon Web Services Email Relay, one of the most trusted ways of sending email. This means more emails will be successfully delivered. Sending email through AWS requires Email Validation. If you would like the emails you send to come from your own email address, you must allow AWS to validate that email address. You can validate up to four email addresses, included in your subscription. If you need to validate more, you can purchase email validation blocks. These blocks are billed at an additional charge of $25 per month for a batch of up to 50 email addresses.

To validate an email address enter it in the field below and click validate. Once the email address has been validated you'll see it here in the list and you can begin sending emails from your own email address. For more information on Sending Email with Argenta, take a look at our Knowledge Base Article - Working with Email Templates.

  2. C. Dedicated Sending Domain Settings tab:

Setting Up A Dedicated Sending Domain with AWS

If you want to send email through Argenta using your own domain name you'll need to set up a dedicated sending domain. This means your emails will no longer appear to be sent by Argenta but by your organization directly. In order for your emails to get through and not be flagged as spam, you must set up DNS records with your email provider. This step of the process requires you to request Domain Name Server (DNS) records from Argenta. To do this enter the domain name you would like to use, eg: mydomain.org then click the "Generate DNS Records" button.

Next, you must complete tasks outside of Argenta. Go to your company’s DNS provider’s platform or consult your IT team on next steps. Apply the DNS key you received from Argenta with your domain registration service. Not all domain registration services allow you to directly edit all DNS records. If you cannot update the records, contact your DNS provider for information on how to update them. Here are a few links to the most common email provider's instructions on how to apply the DNS key: GoDaddy, Gmail, Hostgator, Squarespace, AWS

If you require assistance with this process, submit a Help Desk ticket through Help & Support (menu, top right) in Argenta.                         

3. Payments Tab:
This tab will show you every payment you have made for your subscription. You can also change the card that is on file for your automatic subscription on this screen. To change the card on file simply click the "Pay Subscription Fee" button:
This will open the Argenta Subscription Payment window:
Here you will type in the full credit card number into the Card number field, the two digit month and year the card expires into the MM/YY field, and the CVC code for the card into the CVC field.  Then click the "Pay" button to pay your subscription fee and save this card for future payments.
4. System Users
This tab shows you all the user accounts you have setup. Remember that your subscription setting dictates how many users you can have.  This is where you can Add, View, Update or Delete users. If you need additional users, change your subscription type to one with a higher limit of users.
From here you can filter your users by All Users, Active, or Inactive by selecting the type of use you wish to view from the Users drop down menu:
You can add a new user by selecting the "Add New" button:
You can export your users to Excel by selecting the "Export to Excel" button:
You can use the search box to search for a particular user, you can search by ID name or email:
You can edit your user(s) by clicking the corresponding open button   for the user record you wish to open.  This will open the User Workspace screen: