Every time you send an email using templates in Argenta, those emails are sent as part of an Email Batch. Whether you send one email or many emails, they are always batched and stored in the Email Batches area.
To get to your email batches, select Communication > Email Batches - from the dashboard on the left side of the screen:
This will open your sent email batches screen. From here you can see all the batches you have sent. In addition, you can view the success of the batches, how many of the emails were opened, emails not opened, bounced emails, and unsubscribed emails. This is where the magic is!
View Batch Details
To view the details of a batch simply select the batch you wish to view, by selecting the corresponding "open Icon" for the batch you wish to view: 
This will open the Email Batch Workspace. From here you will see ten tabs that all contain crucial information:
Let's go tab-by-tab and field-by-field for this workspace:
1. Batch Details tab:
On this tab, you can see information about the template sent. This tab contains:
  1. Record Level Permissions - Set As View Only - Placing a checkmark in this box restricts this record to view-only access unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to modify this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  2. Record Level Permissions - Lock This Record - Placing a checkmark in this box locks this record so that users cannot view or update the record unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to access this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  3. Sent Date - This shows you the date the template batch was sent. This cannot be changed.
  4. Template Name - This shows you the name of the template that was sent. This cannot be changed.
  5. Email Subject - This shows you the subject line for the template that was sent. This cannot be changed.
  6. Associated Campaign - This shows you the associated campaign for the template that was sent, if applicable. You can edit this should you need by selecting a new campaign or clearing the campaign. To select a new campaign click the Lookup  button to search for and select the correct campaign. If an applicable campaign is not listed you can create a new one by clicking the Add New  button. You can clear the field by using the Clear Lookup  button.
  7. Department - This shows you the department that is assigned to the template, if applicable. You can change this if needed by selecting a different department from the drop-down list.
  8. District - This shows you the district that is assigned to the template, if applicable. You can change this if need be by selecting a different district from the drop-down list.
  9. Precinct - This shows you the precinct that is assigned to the template, if applicable. You can change this if need be by selecting a different precinct from the drop-down list.
If you make any changes to these fields, click the "Save All Changes & Continue" button before moving on.
2. Email Template tab:
This tab shows you the email template that was used for this batch. It gives you these details about the template sent:
  1. Template Name - The template name that was used. 
  2. From Email Address - If you have verified your email address with us when this email was sent, the email shown here was used to send the email. If you haven't validated your email address when the email was sent, the email was sent from [email protected] and your email address was used as the reply to email address.
  3. Include A Greeting - If a greeting was included this box will be check marked.