by: Joseph P. McAlister, Chief Executive Officer
A message from our CEO about COVID-19 (coronavirus). With Argenta, you can continue to securely manage your operations, interact with your supporters and rely on real-time collaboration with your team.
by: Michelle Sanchez, Devscape Marketing Manager
Marketing is not just sending out an email or mailing a post card. There are many different avenues to get the word out about your programs, products or services. In this article I’ll explain the different types of marketing so you can decide which techniques will work best for your organization.
by: Adam Greenberg, Developer & Tech Writer
Nonprofit directors are best known for wearing all the hats in their organizations. If you want to be more productive this year, give Argenta a second look. Here are 5 brand new features that could make your more productive this year.
by: Adam Greenberg, Developer & Tech Writer
Traditionally software has been very expensive. You had to purchase a boxed copy and install it on a server so members of your team could share data and collaborate. The cost of infrastructure could become so high, many nonprofits were unable to get software they needed. Things have changed. With cloud software you don’t need any costly infrastructure. Here are 5 important reasons your nonprofit needs software to manage your mission.