Volunteer Tasks are jobs you can assign to your volunteers. Volunteer tasks can also be displayed on your public task calendar so volunteers can sign up for tasks. This automates the volunteer assignment process.
From the Argenta Main Menu on the left-hand side of the screen, choose Volunteer Management > Volunteer Task Management.
On the
Volunteer Task List page, find the volunteer task in the list and click
the corresponding open icon at the beginning of the row.

You will be redirected to the Volunteer Task Details Screen.

the small calendar icon to change the start date and/or click the small clock icon to change the task start
time. You can do the same for the end date and time. If you're not sure when the
task will end, just give an estimate. This field is required because
it's used to total the volunteer's task hours. You can always update it again
once the task is complete.
You can't manually change the number of hours because this is calculated by the start and end date/time fields. To update the number of hours click the "Save All Changes & Continue" button at the bottom of the page.
- You can change the title for your task, it can be up to 140
characters long. The title will display in the task list and on your
public task calendar.
- You can update the description of the task as well, but this is not a required field.
- You can assign the task to a volunteer or change the volunteer who has already been assigned.

- In the
Volunteer ID field, click the "Lookup" button to pop up a window
allowing you to search and select constituents designated as Volunteers.
If the Volunteer is not in the system, you can add them by clicking the
"Add New" button. For help see KB article, Add Volunteers.
- When you select the appropriate volunteer, the window will close and the Volunteer ID
field will display the ID for the volunteer you have selected. You will
also see the name of the selected volunteer so you can make sure you've
selected the correct volunteer. This is a required field.
- If the task is associated to one of your clients, click the "Lookup" button in the Associated Client for This Task field.

- This will pop-up a window allowing you to search for and select a client.
- When a client is selected the window will close and the selected client will be displayed in the field.
- If the task is not associated to a client, just leave the default "* Unassigned".
- Select or change the Volunteer Task Category.
comes loaded with volunteer task categories you can use.

- If you want to
add a new category you can do so right here on this screen by clicking
the "Add New" button next to the Volunteer Task Category drop-down list.
This will pop up a window, allowing you to type your new category.
- After you type the category name, click the "Add This Category" button.
The window will close and your new category will automatically be
selected. This is a required field.
- The Task Group ID field connects the task to a Volunteer Task Group.
- To select a task group for the task, click the "Lookup" button. This will pop-up a window allowing you to search and select a task group. Selecting the appropriate task group will close the window and enter the Task Group's ID in the field. You will also see the name of the selected task group below the field, so you can verify you've chosen the correct task group.
The next section includes fields pertaining to the life-cycle of the task.
- The Date Entered field cannot be changed. This is the exact date/time the task was originally entered.
- To change the Date Assigned field, click
the small calendar icon for the date and/or the small clock icon for the time. If you don't know the time, you can just leave it at 12:00 AM (the default).
- Set or change the Volunteer Task Status Code. Tasks are either Open/Active or Closed/Complete.
- If the task date has passed, and the task was unfulfilled, check the "This task was unfulfilled." field. A red "Unfulfilled" stamp will be displayed in the task list to indicate this.
- If your organization uses Departments/Divisions, Districts and/or precincts you can update the corresponding fields.
The next section contains all the fields pertaining to the Task's Location. These fields will show up on your public volunteer task calendar if the task is not part of a task group, or if the task group it is a part of doesn't have a set location.

- If the task location is the location/address of one of your constituent organizations, click the "Lookup" button in the Associated Organization/Location field.
- A window will pop-up allowing you to search for and select the corresponding constituent record.
- Selecting the record will close the window and populate the field automatically. You will also see the name of the selected constituent below the field, so you can verify you've chosen the correct task group.
- You can change any of the location fields manually if necessary.
- If the task location is not one of your existing constituents, just type the details in manually. Whatever data shows in these fields is what will display on the public task calendar.
- Each task has a primary contact person. The contact information entered in the following fields shows up on the public volunteer task calendar if the task is not part of a task group, or if the task group it is a part of does not have a primary contact person.

- Add a name, email address and phone number for the person who should be contacted about the task.
- If there are any special instructions or comments about this task enter them. This information will display on the public volunteer task calendar.
- Select “Yes” if there are any special health or allergy accommodations necessary for the task. If accommodations are needed enter them in the corresponding field.

- Click the "Save All Changes & Continue" button to save your changes and keep updating the task. This is important if you plan to add files or notes to the task.
- Click the "Save All Changes & Exit" button to save your changes and return to the Volunteer Task List.
- Click the "Copy & Add New" button to copy all the task details and create a new task. Remember to save any changes you've made first.
- Click the "Calendar View" button to leave the task details screen and view a formatted calendar of the Volunteer Tasks. Remember to save any changes you've made first.
- Click the "Cancel & Exit" button to discard any changes you've made and return to the Volunteer Task List.
As with any details page in Argenta you can add an endless number of related files and make as many notes as you need. Use the corresponding sections at the bottom of the page.