Once you have created a Campaign you may want to send emails related to the campaign. This could be letting your constituents know about your latest campaign, details about your campaign or anything else you wish to send in regards to your current campaign. No matter what you want to let your constituents know, there is a convenient location for you to facilitate sending these emails. There are two ways for you to send emails with regard to your campaigns. The first is through the Campaign Workspace and the second is in your Mail Room. Both are covered below.
Before you get started with this you first should create your email list. Your email list is a collection of all the constituents you wish to email about your campaign. If you have already created a Mail Room list proceed to #2 Email from Campaign Workspace below or #3 Sending Emails from Mail Room. 
1. Create a Mail Room List
To use Templates from your Mail Room or Send To An Email List within the Campaign Workspace, you first must create a Mail Room list for your constituents. You can create a mail list based on lots of criteria within Argenta. For this article, we will cover creating a mail room list for all your constituents. For further help with mail room lists please see our other KB Article - Add Constituents to the Argenta Mail Room. To get stated select Constituents > Constituents All - from the main menu on the left-hand side:
This opens all your active constituents. From here you can add all your constituents, or some of your constituents, that you wish to email. To add all your constituents, place a checkmark in the "Select All Records On This Grid Page" checkbox:
To select some of your constituents, place checkmarks in the constituents checkmark box for all the constituents you wish to select:
Once you have your constituents selected, you will add them to the Mail Room. With your constituents selected, click the Choose Bulk Action for Selected Records drop-down box, and select "Create Mailroom List With Selected Records:"
With "Create Mailroom List With Selected Records" selected, click the "Run Bulk Action" button. This opens the Add A New Mail List screen:
From here you need to enter these fields:
  1. Email List - For an email list, you will place a checkmark in this box. One list type is required from this section.
  2. US Mail List - For a mailed list, you will place a checkmark in this box. You can create the same list for multiple types by placing checkmarks in one, two, or all types.
  3. Text List - For a text messaging list, you will place a checkmark in this box. 
  4. Mail List Title - Enter a name for your list. This is a required field.
  5. Department - If this list belongs to a specific department within your organization or you wish to restrict users by department, select the appropriate department from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by department, they will only be able to see records in the departments you have granted them access to.
  6. District - If this list belongs to a specific district within your organization or you wish to restrict users by district, select the appropriate district from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by district, they will only be able to see records in the districts you have granted them access to.
  7. Precinct - If this list belongs to a specific precinct within our organization or you wish to restrict users by precinct, select the appropriate precinct from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by precinct, they will only be able to see records in the precincts you have granted them access to.
Once these fields have been filled out, click the "Add This List" button to add your new list to your Mail Room. 
2. Send Emails from Campaign Workspace
To send an email from your Campaign Workspace, simply open the Campaign by going to Sales & Marketing > Campaigns - from the main menu on the left-hand side:
This opens the full list of all your Campaigns. From here open the Campaign you are working with by clicking to corresponding Open  icon. This opens the Campaign Workspace:
Within the Campaign Workspace you will see an Email Batches tab:
Click this tab to see all the email batches in this campaign. From here you can pick a template and send emails to the Mail Room list you created in #1 above. Click the "Pick A Template & Send Email" button:
This opens your Email Templates screen:
From here you can add a new template or use one that has already been created. Email Templates are a powerful way to communicate with your constituents. Our templates allow you to customize the formatting and text of your emails and save them. You can use templates to send emails to any email list you've created in the Argenta Mail Room.

Remember to remind your constituents to white list argentasoftware.com and argentamail.com so emails from your organization don't get stuck in their spam filters.
Whether you choose to add a new template or use an existing one, the fields are the same. To add a new template click the "Add New" button from the top. To use an existing template, open the template by clicking to corresponding open icon for the template you wish to open:
This opens the Email Template Workspace screen:
In this workspace you will notice there are three tabs of information. Let's go tab-by-tab and field-by-field:
A. Template Details tab:
On this tab, you will enter the details for the template:
  1. Record Level Permissions - Set As View Only - Placing a checkmark in this box restricts this record to view-only access unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to modify this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  2. Record Level Permissions - Lock This Record - Placing a checkmark in this box locks this record so that users cannot view or update the record unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to access this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  3. Template Name - Enter a name for the template here.
  4. Associated Campaign - If this template belongs to a specific campaign, select the campaign it belongs to by clicking the Lookup  icon. Or if you need to create a new campaign you can do so by clicking the Add New  icon.
  5. Chapter - If this template belongs to a specific chapter within your organization or you wish to restrict users by chapter, select the appropriate chapter from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by chapter, they will only be able to see records in the chapters you have granted them access to.
  6. Division - If this template belongs to a specific division within your organization or you wish to restrict users by division, select the appropriate division from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by division, they will only be able to see records in the divisions you have granted them access to.
  7. Department - If this template belongs to a specific department within your organization or you wish to restrict users by department, select the appropriate department from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by department, they will only be able to see records in the departments you have granted them access to.
  8. District - If this template belongs to a specific district within your organization or you wish to restrict users by district, select the appropriate district from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by district, they will only be able to see records in the districts you have granted them access to.
  9. Precinct - If this template belongs to a specific precinct within our organization or you wish to restrict users by precinct, select the appropriate precinct from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by precinct, they will only be able to see records in the precincts you have granted them access to.
Once these details have been filled in, make sure and save your changes by clicking the "Save All Changes & Continue" button before moving on.
B. Template Design & Send tab:
On this tab, you will enter the details for your email and send it to your list. To get started, these are the fields you will use:
  1. Send A Test Email - Use this button to send a test email. Once you click the button, the Select A Constituent screen will open for you to search for and select a test recipient to receive this test email. This would typically be yourself or some other member of your team. This is a great way to view the email, proofread it, and ensure its completeness before sending to your guests. With a recipient selected, click the "Let's Do This!" button to send the email.
  2. Send Email To A Single Recipient - If you would like to send this email to a single recipient, use this button. This will open the Select A Constituent screen where you will search for and select the recipient that you wish to send your email to. With a recipient selected, click the "Let's Do This!" button to send the email.
  3. Send Email To A Mail Room List - Once you are ready to send your email to all your guests, you will click this button. Clicking this button opens the Schedule Email window: 
    From here you can select the exact date and time you want the email sent. Use the calendar selector to select the date and the time  selector to set the time. Next, you will select the Mail Room list you wish to send this email to. Type in a full or partial name of the list and click enter or the Search icon to search for and select your list. With this information entered, click the "Let's Do This!" button, and your email will be scheduled to be sent at the date and time you selected. 
  4. From Email Address - If you have validated your email address with us, the email address you enter here will be shown as the from address when the recipient receives the email. If you haven't validated your email address with us, the email will be sent from [email protected] and your email will be used as the reply to email address. For more information on how to validate your email address, please see our other KB Article - Validating An Email Address.
  5. Copy All Selected Team Members - Use this drop-down box to select the team members that you would like copied on the email. You can select one team member or many. Place a checkmark in the corresponding box for all members you want copied on the email.
  6. Include A Greeting - Place a checkmark in this box if you wish to use a greeting for your email. 
  7. Greeting - If you placed a checkmark in the above box, set your greeting here. This could be: Welcome, Hello, Good Day, etc. This will be displayed at the top of your email followed by the field you select below. ex: Hello Jane, for first name or Hello Jane Doe for full name, etc.
  8. Field - Select the field to be followed by the greeting. Your options are: First Name, Full Name, Prefix and Last Name.
  9. Subject - Enter a subject for your email. This will be the subject line that your recipients see when the email is delivered. Ex. Welcome to Our Event, Change of Location for Event, etc.
  10. Edit Email Body - To edit the body of the email or create the body of the email, click this button. This opens the body of the email for you to edit or create your message: 
Most of your normal Word elements are built into this text editor for formatting and designing your email. Use the icons and text box area to format your message. This is where you will type out your message, add attachments and/or links to your email message. If you are unfamiliar with Word elements or unsure of what all the icons do, you can hover your mouse over the icon and its title/explanation will show. For your convenience some of the important icons you may use are:
 Use this icon to add an image to your email. By clicking this icon, it opens the Image Manager where you will upload your image and select it to add it to your email. To upload an image, click the "Upload" button which allows you to search for and select the image from your host computer. With an image uploaded, click the "Upload" button to upload the image to your manager. Once the image is in your manager, you will select the image and click "Insert" to insert your image into your email.
 Use this icon to add a document to your email. By clicking this icon, it opens the Document Manager where you will upload your document and select it to add to your email. To upload a document, click the "Upload" button which allows you to search for and select a document from your host computer. With a document uploaded, click the "Upload" button to upload the document to your manager. Once the image is in your manager, you will select the document and click "Insert" to insert your document into the email.
Use this icon to add a hyperlink to your email. By clicking this icon, it opens the Hyperlink Manager where you will add the details of your hyperlink. On the Hyperlink Manager window you will enter the URL for your link, the link text you wish to have displayed for the link, if you wish to have the link open in the same or a new window, a tooltip and you can even apply a special color class to your link.
 Use this icon to spell check your email. By clicking this icon, your email body will be checked for spelling errors.
  Use this icon to add a table to your email. By clicking this icon, you can add a table to your email. 
Once you are satisfied with the body of your email, you can save your changes and exit the template by clicking the "Save All Changes & Exit" button or "Save All Changes & Continue" button to continue working on the template. Either way save your changes before moving on.
C. Record Permissions tab:

This tab controls the record permissions for the template.

View Only Access:

Sometimes you want users to be able to view a record but block them from modifying that record. Individual records can be set to View Only so only master admins and users who are listed here, can edit them. To grant users permission to modify this record simply add them here. Select a user from the "Select A User To Add" drop-down menu then click the "Add Selected User" button to add the user to the view-only access permissions.

Locked Record Access:

Individual records can be locked so only master admins and users who are listed here can view or edit them. To grant users permission for this record simply add them here. Select a user from the "Select A User To Add" drop-down menu, then click the "Add Selected User" button to add a user to the locked record access permissions.

3. Send Emails from Mail Room
With your Mail Room list created, you can now work on crafting your email to your constituents. To get started, click Communication > Mail Room - from the main menu on the left-hand side:
This opens the Mail Room. From here you will select the Email Templates Icon from the top:
This opens your Email Templates screen:
From here you can add a new template or use one that has already been created. Email Templates are a powerful way to communicate with your constituents. Our templates allow you to customize the formatting and text of your emails and save them. You can use templates to send emails to any email list you've created in the Argenta Mail Room.

Remember to remind your constituents to white list argentasoftware.com and argentamail.com so emails from your organization don't get stuck in their spam filters.
Whether you choose to add a new template or use an existing one, the fields are the same. To add a new template click the "Add New" button from the top. To use an existing template, open the template by clicking to corresponding open icon for the template you wish to open:
This opens the Email Template Workspace screen:
In this workspace you will notice there are three tabs of information. Let's go tab-by-tab and field-by-field:
A. Template Details tab:
On this tab, you will enter the details for the template:
  1. Record Level Permissions - Set As View Only - Placing a checkmark in this box restricts this record to view-only access unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to modify this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  2. Record Level Permissions - Lock This Record - Placing a checkmark in this box locks this record so that users cannot view or update the record unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to access this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  3. Template Name - Enter a name for the template here.
  4. Associated Campaign - If this template belongs to a specific campaign, select the campaign it belongs to by clicking the Lookup  icon. Or if you need to create a new campaign you can do so by clicking the Add New  icon.
  5. Chapter - If this template belongs to a specific chapter within your organization or you wish to restrict users by chapter, select the appropriate chapter from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by chapter, they will only be able to see records in the chapters you have granted them access to.
  6. Division - If this template belongs to a specific division within your organization or you wish to restrict users by division, select the appropriate division from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by division, they will only be able to see records in the divisions you have granted them access to.
  7. Department - If this template belongs to a specific department within your organization or you wish to restrict users by department, select the appropriate department from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by department, they will only be able to see records in the departments you have granted them access to.
  8. District - If this template belongs to a specific district within your organization or you wish to restrict users by district, select the appropriate district from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by district, they will only be able to see records in the districts you have granted them access to.
  9. Precinct - If this template belongs to a specific precinct within our organization or you wish to restrict users by precinct, select the appropriate precinct from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by precinct, they will only be able to see records in the precincts you have granted them access to.
Once these details have been filled in, make sure and save your changes by clicking the "Save All Changes & Continue" button before moving on.
B. Template Design & Send tab:
On this tab, you will enter the details for your email and send it to your list. To get started, these are the fields you will use:
  1. Send A Test Email - Use this button to send a test email. Once you click the button, the Select A Constituent screen will open for you to search for and select a test recipient to receive this test email. This would typically be yourself or some other member of your team. This is a great way to view the email, proofread it, and ensure its completeness before sending to your guests. With a recipient selected, click the "Let's Do This!" button to send the email.
  2. Send Email To A Single Recipient - If you would like to send this email to a single recipient, use this button. This will open the Select A Constituent screen where you will search for and select the recipient that you wish to send your email to. With a recipient selected, click the "Let's Do This!" button to send the email.
  3. Send Email To A Mail Room List - Once you are ready to send your email to all your constituents, you will click this button. Clicking this button opens the Schedule Email window: 
    From here you can select the exact date and time you want the email sent. Use the calendar selector to select the date and the time  selector to set the time. Next, you will select the Mail Room list you wish to send this email to. Type in a full or partial name of the list and click enter or the Search icon to search for and select your list. With this information entered, click the "Let's Do This!" button, and your email will be scheduled to be sent at the date and time you selected. 
  4. From Email Address - If you have validated your email address with us, the email address you enter here will be shown as the from address when the recipient receives the email. If you haven't validated your email address with us, the email will be sent from [email protected] and your email will be used as the reply to email address. For more information on how to validate your email address, please see our other KB Article - Validating An Email Address.
  5. Copy All Selected Team Members - Use this drop-down box to select the team members that you would like copied on the email. You can select one team member or many. Place a checkmark in the corresponding box for all members you want copied on the email.
  6. Include A Greeting - Place a checkmark in this box if you wish to use a greeting for your email. 
  7. Greeting - If you placed a checkmark in the above box, set your greeting here. This could be: Welcome, Hello, Good Day, etc. This will be displayed at the top of your email followed by the field you select below. ex: Hello Jane, for first name or Hello Jane Doe for full name, etc.
  8. Field - Select the field to be followed by the greeting. Your options are: First Name, Full Name, Prefix and Last Name.
  9. Subject - Enter a subject for your email. This will be the subject line that your recipients see when the email is delivered. Ex. Welcome to Our Campaign, We Need Your Help Reaching Our Goal, etc.
  10. Edit Email Body - To edit the body of the email or create the body of the email, click this button. This opens the body of the email for you to edit or create your message: 
Most of your normal Word elements are built into this text editor for formatting and designing your email. Use the icons and text box area to format your message. This is where you will type out your message, add attachments and/or links to your email message. If you are unfamiliar with Word elements or unsure of what all the icons do, you can hover your mouse over the icon and its title/explanation will show. For your convenience some of the important icons you may use are:
 Use this icon to add an image to your email. By clicking this icon, it opens the Image Manager where you will upload your image and select it to add it to your email. To upload an image, click the "Upload" button which allows you to search for and select the image from your host computer. With an image uploaded, click the "Upload" button to upload the image to your manager. Once the image is in your manager, you will select the image and click "Insert" to insert your image into your email.
 Use this icon to add a document to your email. By clicking this icon, it opens the Document Manager where you will upload your document and select it to add to your email. To upload a document, click the "Upload" button which allows you to search for and select a document from your host computer. With a document uploaded, click the "Upload" button to upload the document to your manager. Once the image is in your manager, you will select the document and click "Insert" to insert your document into the email.
Use this icon to add a hyperlink to your email. By clicking this icon, it opens the Hyperlink Manager where you will add the details of your hyperlink. On the Hyperlink Manager window you will enter the URL for your link, the link text you wish to have displayed for the link, if you wish to have the link open in the same or a new window, a tooltip and you can even apply a special color class to your link.
 Use this icon to spell check your email. By clicking this icon, your email body will be checked for spelling errors.
  Use this icon to add a table to your email. By clicking this icon, you can add a table to your email. 
Once you are satisfied with the body of your email, you can save your changes and exit the template by clicking the "Save All Changes & Exit" button or "Save All Changes & Continue" button to continue working on the template. Either way save your changes before moving on.
C. Record Permissions tab:

This tab controls the record permissions for the template.

3. C. 1. View Only Access:

Sometimes you want users to be able to view a record but block them from modifying that record. Individual records can be set to View Only so only master admins and users who are listed here, can edit them. To grant users permission to modify this record simply add them here. Select a user from the "Select A User To Add" drop-down menu then click the "Add Selected User" button to add the user to the view-only access permissions.

3. C. 2. Locked Record Access:

Individual records can be locked so only master admins and users who are listed here can view or edit them. To grant users permission for this record simply add them here. Select a user from the "Select A User To Add" drop-down menu, then click the "Add Selected User" button to add a user to the locked record access permissions.