The Argenta Mail Room is where direct mail, email, and text distribution is handled. There are a couple of different ways to add constituents to the mail room. The easiest way is to use the constituent lists in each module. For example, if you want to send an email to all of your members, choose your Members from constituents. This can be done for any constituent type in Argenta. You can also add event guests and other areas to a mail room. From this example we will use the Member List for this article.
Adding Constituents through a Constituent List
To get the members list, select Constituents > Members - from the main menu on the left-hand side. (You can do this for any constituent type.)
This will open your members list:
From this list you have several options. You can filter this list to get more specific parameters for your list. You can pick and choose members of this list. Or you can choose all the members from this list to add to a mail room list and/or create a brand new list from the selected members. Whatever you choose to do, you must have members selected in order to create or add them to a list. Once you have your members selected (Choose some of the Members from this list) or if you want to add all the members from this list (place a checkmark in the select all box:)
You will select the "Choose a Bulk Action for Selected Records" drop-down menu to see your options. From here you can:
- Select All Records That Meet Filter Criteria
- Unselect All Records That Meet Filter Criteria
- Create A New Mailroom List with Selected Records
- Add Selected Records to An Existing Mailroom List
Once you have your members selected and the action item (Either Create a new mailroom or add to an existing) from this drop-down selected, you will choose the "Run Bulk Action" button to preform this action to the selected members.
If you choose to create a new mailroom list, you will see the "Add A New Mail List" screen:
From here you need to enter these details about your new mail list:
- Select The List Type You Want To Create - Email List - Place a checkmark here if you wish to create an email list. One of these three are required to create a list.
- Select The List Type You Want To Create - US Mail List - Place a checkmark here if you wish to create a mailing list. One of these three are required to create a list.
- Select The List Type You Want To Create - Text List - Place a checkmark here if you wish to create a text list. One of these three are required to create a list.
- Mail List Title - Enter a title for your new list. This is a required field.
- For Permissions/Access - Department - If this list is to be restricted by department, choose the department from the drop-down list.
- For Permissions/Access - District - If this list is to be restricted by district, choose the district from the drop-down list.
- For Permissions/Access - Precinct - If this list is to be restricted by precinct, choose the precinct from the drop-down list.
If you are adding to an Existing List, you will get the "Select A Mail List" screen. From here you will search for and select the list you wish to add your members to. Once you select a list, your members will be added to this list.
Manual Adding of Constituents
You can also add items to the Mail Room manually. From the main menu on the left side of the screen, select Communication - Mail Room:
From here, you will select an email, mailing, or text list.
First, select the list you would like to add to by selecting it from the drop-down list labeled "Select An Email/Mailing/Text List To Display."
Next click the "Add Constituents" button above the list. This will open a panel with a search box labeled "Search To Add Constituents To The Email/Mailing/Text List". Type a name or partial name in the text box and click the Search icon. A list of constituents matching the search criteria will appear below the text box. Click the “+” icon to the right of the name you want to add to the list. The name has been added to the list and will now appear in your mailing list. You can repeat this for each constituent you wish to add to your list.