Nonprofit organizations exist to support and raise funds and in some cases Materials for a specific purpose. A donation is a gift made by an individual, household or organization to a nonprofit. Argenta has a Donation Management System built in to help you track and run reports on your material donations.

To access the Material Donation Management system, from the Argenta dahboard on the left-hand side of any screen, select Donations and Grants > Material Donations.

When the page loads, The Material Donation List displays all the material donations that have been made to your organization. There are many things you can do on this screen.


Access Material Donation Classification Codes

Material donation classification codes can be accessed from the Argenta dashboard on the left-hand side of any screen by selecting Classification Codes.  To add or delete codes please refer to KB article, Working with Donation Categories.


View The Total Number of Records and/or Total Dollar Value

 Above every list is a label that displays the total of all items currently displayed in the list. If you filter the list by specific criteria, the totals will change to reflect the filter. This is a very quick and easy way to count or sum list items.


Search The List

Enter key phrases into the search field to search the list. Material donations can be searched by the donor’s id, donor's name and the donation description.


Advance Search and/or Filter The List

For information on how to filter material donations see KB Article, Filter Material Donations.


Export The List To Excel

Argenta is complete with many reports, charts, graphs and statements, but it may be necessary to manipulate your own data. You can do that by exporting to Excel. Every List in Argenta has an "Export To Excel" button above the list. Clicking the button exports the data currently displayed in the list to Microsoft Excel. If you have filtered the data by specific criteria, only the result set will be exported.

Sort The List

Click on any list header to sort the list by that field. Sorting the list can give you a visual overview of your data or help you find something quickly.

  Add A New Material Donation

Click the "Add New" button above the list to add a new material donation. For information on how to add material donations see KB Article, Add Material Donations.

 View or Update Material Donation Details

To open a material donation record so you can view or update the details, click the corresponding View Update Icon in the list. For information on how to update material donations see KB Article, View and/or Update Material Donations.

 Delete Material Donations

To delete a material donation, click the corresponding Delete Icon in the list. Confirm you want to delete the record. The record will be deleted and disappear from the list.