Argenta allows you to track and fulfill your orders within the system. Orders can only be placed with one of the vendors listed in the vendor section. Once an order is fulfilled the items go into your inventory. This allows you to track your placed orders with your vendors and add fulfilled items into your inventory in one easy step.
1. Adding A Product To A Product Order
To get stated, select Products and Inventory > Product Orders - from the left hand side of the Argenta main menu:
This opens the Product Orders screen where you can see the status and full list of all your orders. To add a new product order you will select the "Add New" button:
This opens the Add Product Orders screen where you will enter the details of your order:
From here you will need to enter the details of your order. Let's take a look each field in detail:
  1. Order Date Enter the date you placed the order. You can manually type in a date or use the calendar selector.
  2. Vendor ID - Select the Lookup  icon to search for and select your vendor that you are placing the order with. If your vendor is not listed you can select the Add New  icon to add a new vendor. For help on adding a new vendor please refer to KB Article - Add Vendors.  
  3. Product ID - This is the vendors product ID for the product you are ordering. Select the Lookup  icon to search for and select the product ID for this vendor. If the product ID is not listed you can add a new one by selecting the Add New icon. This is a required field.
  4. Unit of MeasureThis field will automatically fill in once you select your Product ID. This is a required field.
  5. Cost - This field will automatically fill in once you select your Product ID. This is a required field.
  6. Quantity -  Enter the quantity you are ordering of this product. This is a required field.
Once all of these details have been filled out, you will select the "Add Selected Product" button to add the product to your order. You can continue adding more products to the order if needed or select the "Complete Order" button to save the order and be returned to your complete Product Order listing.  
Here you will see your product order listed at the top with the Order Status of "Pending." This means that the order has not been fulfilled yet. You will also see that the order says "Payment Is Not in the GL." You will update these sections when the order is fulfilled.  
This completes the adding a product order section. The next section covers how to fulfill the order.
2. How To Fulfill An Order
When your order comes in, you need to add the product(s) to your inventory and create the payment for the order. This can be done in one step in Argenta. To start this step select the corresponding open icon  for the order you are wanting to fulfill. This opens the Order Details screen:
From here you will enter the details of the fulfillment. There are two tabs within this area. Let's take a look at each field and both tabs.
1. Order Details:
  1. Record Level Permissions - Set As View Only - Placing a checkmark in this box restricts this record to view-only access unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to modify this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  2. Record Level Permissions - Lock This Record - Placing a checkmark in this box locks this record so that users cannot view or update the record unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to access this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  3. Add This Transaction to General Financials - Checkmark this box to add the payment details for the order into your general financials.
    •  Fund - Select the associated fund from the drop-down list, if applicable. You can leave this as "No Associated Fund" if need be. This is a required field.
    • Asset Account Used for Payment - Select the bank account used for the payment of this order from the drop-down list. This is a required field.
    • Account - Select the appropriate account from your chart of accounts for this transaction from the drop-down list. This is a required field.
  4. Order Number - This is the system generated order number. Do not change this order number.
  5. Order Status - This will show as Unfulfilled until you select the items below to fulfill.
  6. Order Date - This is the date the products were ordered.
  7. Date Fulfilled - This is the date the order was fulfilled. This will automatically fill in the date when you fulfill the order in the Fulfill Items In This Order To Add To Inventory section.
  8. Vendor ID - This is the vendor ID number.
  9. Vendor Name - This shows your vendors name.
  10. Order Total - This is the order total based on the number of items and their cost.
  11. Date Paid - This is the date you are paying for this order. You can manually enter a date or use the date selector.
  12. Payment Type - Select how you are paying for the order by selecting the payment type from the drop-down list.
  13. Check/PO Number - You can enter a check number or PO number here.
1. A. Fulfill Items In This Order To Add Them To Inventory:
In this section is where you will fulfill your order and the items are added to your inventory. Here are your options from this section:
  1. Add Items To This Order - If extra items were sent or received you can add them before you fulfill the order. To add items to this order, click this button. The add product section will open. Select the Product ID and fill in the Quantity for the item(s). Then click the "Add Item To Order" button to add the item(s). 
  2. Save Status & QTY Changes - You can update the status of your order to: Unavailable, Back-ordered, Restocked, or Incomplete by selecting one of these status's from the drop-down list. You can update your quantity by placing the correct quantity in the QTY box and then selecting this button. This will update the status and quantities of the order for you. Use this if you received more of an item than you originally ordered or if the item is on backorder, etc. 
  3. Fulfill All Items In This Order - If the whole order is received you can fulfill the whole order in one swift motion by selecting this button. This will fulfill all the items and their quantities as ordered and change the status to fulfilled.
  4. Fulfill Item - Use this button to fulfill a single item from your order or change the quantity of the item and use this button to fulfill a line item. You will use this button when your full order does not come in and you need to enter some of your items and not all. 
  5. Return All Items In This Order - If you need to return all the items in your order you will use this button to return the whole order. This will return the item status back to "Unfulfilled" and take the items out of your inventory. 
  6. Return Item - If you need to return only one line item, you will use this button. This will remove the items from your inventory and return the item status back to "Unfulfilled" and allow you to change the quantity. Change the quantity to the amount you have on hand, minus the ones you are returning and select the "Fulfill Item" button to update the quantity to what you are keeping.
1. B. Related Files:
Like all other modules and sections in Argenta, you can also add an unlimited number of related files to this order. If you need help adding a file please see our other KB Article - Add Related Files. Make sure to save your changes first before adding related files. Simply click the "Browse" button to search for and select a file from your computer or drag and drop the file into the "Drag & Drop File Box".
1. C. Notes:
If you would like to add any notes to this order you do so in the Notes section. If you need help adding notes please see our other KB Article - Add A Note to the Notes Section. To add a note, click the "Add Note" button. This will open the "Add A New Note" screen where you can type a note. Click the "Save & Add This Note" button to save the note and be returned to your order details. 
2. Record Permissions

This tab controls the record permissions for the order.

View Only Access:

Sometimes you want users to be able to view a record but block them from modifying that record. Individual records can be set to View Only so only master admins and users who are listed here, can edit them. To grant users permission to modify this record simply add them here. Select a user from the "Select A User To Add" drop-down menu then click the "Add Selected User" button to add the user to the view-only access permissions.

Locked Record Access:

Individual records can be locked so only master admins and users who are listed here can view or edit them. To grant users permission for this record simply add them here. Select a user from the "Select A User To Add" drop-down menu, then click the "Add Selected User" button to add a user to the locked record access permissions.