A Vendor provides a product or service to your organization. Vendors are first created as constituents in Argenta and then assigned as Vendors.

To get started, choose Products and Inventory > Product Vendors - from the Argenta main menu on the left-hand side of the screen.


This will open your Product Vendors list. From here, click the “Add New” button.



This will open the Add a New Vendor by Designating A Constituent screen.



From here you will need to fill out some quick details about your new vendor. Let's take a look at each field in detail:


1. Constituent ID - Select the "Lookup" button to search for and select your constituent. If you need to enter a brand new constituent you can do so here, by clicking the "Add New" button.  For help adding a new constituent please see KB Article - Add a Constituent. This field is required.

2. Vendor Type -  Select the type from the drop-down list. If a type is not in the system, you can create a new one by clicking the “Add New” button.
3. Our Account Number - If your organization uses account ID numbers, enter yours here.
4. Standard Payment Method - Select the method of payment from the drop-down list.

After reviewing the information entered, click the “Add This Vendor” button to finish. The window will close and you will find your new Vendor in the vendor list. The Vendor has been added.