Argenta comes with a Lending Library. This is a great way to track items that you lend out on a regular basis. To use the Lending Library you first need to add items to your inventory in order to lend them out. Items get added to Products Inventory before they can be added to inventory.
To get started select, Products & Inventory > Products - from the left-hand side of the Argenta main menu:
1. Add Inventory Items:
This opens your organizations product inventory screen where you will see all products that you have in inventory. To add an item into inventory select the "Add New" button:
This opens the Add A New Vendor Product screen:
This is where you will enter the details about your item that you will lend out. The information you can enter for this item is:
- Vendor ID - Every product must have a vendor. If your items were bought for the purpose of lending out and there is no vendor for the product, then add your organization as a vendor and select your organization for the Vendor ID for all items being lent out. For help adding your organization as a vendor please refer to KB Article - Add Vendors (for products) This is a required field.
- Vendor's Product Number - If there is a part/product number for the item put it here.
- Product Serial Number -If your product has a serial number put it here. This is a great way to check that you received the correct item back.
- Product Name - Select a name for your product and type it here. This is a required field.
- Unit of Measure - Select a unit from the drop-down list. Your options are: Each, Case, Pack, Package, Box, Pallet, Sq. Foot, Sq. Yard, Inch, Foot, Yard, Ounce, Cup, Pint, Quart, Gallon, Pound, Ton, Hour, Month, Year. This is a required field.
- Product Description - Describe your product here.
- Product Category - Use the drop-down list to select a product category for this product or use the Add New icon to add a new category. This is a required field.
- Product Group - Use the drop-down list to select a product group for this product or use the Add New button to add a new category.
- Is This Product Active - If this product is active select "Yes" otherwise select "No." This is a required field.
- Do you Resell This Product - If you sell this product select "Yes" otherwise select "No." This is a required field.
- Do You Lend Out This Product - This is where you want to indicate "Yes" for any items that you are lending out. This is a required field.
- Your Cost (what you buy it for) - What do you buy the product for, type in the numeric amount. This is a required field.
- Your Retail Price (what you sell it for) - What do you sell the product for, type in the numeric amount. This is a required field.
- Par Level - This is your expected minimum inventory level that you want on hand.
- Product Notes - Enter any notes about the product that you want to list here.
Once all the details about your product have been filled in select the "Add This Product" button to add the product and be returned to the product inventory screen. You will repeat these steps for all of your items that you wish to lend out.
2. Add Inventory Quantity:
Next, you need to add a quantity for your items. So far you have created the items in inventory, now you need to add a quantity to those items.
To add a quantity to your newly created products, go to Products & Inventory > Product Inventory - from the left-hand side of the Argenta main menu:
This opens the Inventory screen where you will see all of your inventory listed. From here you will choose the "Add Inventory Manually" button:
This will open the inventory management screen:
From here you can add quantities to any item all in one screen at one time. To add inventory, just fill in the quantity received (QTY) for each item you are wishing to add inventory to:
When you are finished entering quantities for items, click the "Add These Items" button to add the quantities and be returned to the product inventory screen.