A Client/Customer is any individual, organization or household that uses your services or purchases your products. Clients/Customers are first created as constituents in Argenta, then designated as a clients/customers.

From the main menu on the left side of the screen, choose Constituents (CRM) > Clients/Customers:

This opens your full list of active Clients/Customers. From here you will select the "Add New" button:
This opens the Add A New Client/Customer by Designating A Constituent As A Client screen:
To avoid duplicates in your system you will search for a constituent to designate as a client here. Here are the fields you need to enter:
  1. Constituent ID - To search your constituents select the Lookup icon to search for and select a constituent. If the constituent you wish to enter is not already in your system you can add a new constituent by clicking the Add New  icon. This is a required field.
  2. Active Date - Enter the active date for this client/customer here. You can manually type in a date or you can use the calendar selector. This is a required field.
Once these details have been entered, select the "Add & Enter Details" button to add your constituent and enter further details about them as a client/customer.  This opens the Client/Customer Workspace screen:
Here you will see there are 16 additional tabs of information for the Client/Customer. Let's go tab-by-tab and field-by-field:
1. Client/Customer Details tab:
On this tab, you will enter the details about your client/customer. Here you can enter:
  1. Record Level Permissions - Set As View Only - Placing a checkmark in this box restricts this record to view-only access unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to modify this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  2. Record Level Permissions - Lock This Record - Placing a checkmark in this box locks this record so that users cannot view or update the record unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to access this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  3. Open Full Constituent Record - Select this button if you wish to open the records full constituent record.
  4. Assigned To (Team Member) - Select the team member the client/customer is assigned to by using the Lookup  icon to search for and select the team member. If this Client is not assigned to a specific team member, leave the field blank or use the Clear Lookup  icon to clear the contents of the field.
  5. Client Is A Service Agency - A Service Agency is a client you provide services to, typically as part of a contracted relationship. A Service Agency differs from a typical consumer or customer. If this client is a service agency select "Yes" here. If they are not, leave this as "No."
  6. Is client open on weekends? - Select "Yes" if this client is open on weekends, or "No" if they are not.
  7. Active Date - This will be prefilled from the previous screen. You can make changes here if need be. This is a required field.
  8. Current Status - Set a status for your client/customer. Your options are: Active or Inactive.
  9. Client Code - If your organization designates specific client codes, type the client’s code here. 
  10. Preferred Payment Method - Select the client's/customer's preferred method type from the drop-down list.
  11. Chapter - If the client/customer should be assigned to a specific chapter within your organization, use the drop-down list and select one.
  12. Division - If the client/customer should be assigned to a specific division within your organization, use the drop-down list and select one.
  13. Department - If the client/customer should be assigned to a specific department, use the drop-down list and select one. 
  14. District - If the client/customer should be assigned to a district, use the drop-down list and select one.
  15. Precinct - If the client/customer should be assigned to a precinct, use the drop-down list and select one.
  16. Acquisition Source - Select an acquisition source from the drop-down list. This is how your organization originally acquired the client/customer. All drop-down lists in Argenta help to create comprehensive reports. The system comes loaded with predefined values for all of these drop-down lists called classification codes. You can change them at any time. You can add or delete them by selecting Classification Codes from the main menu. If an applicable source is not listed you can create a new one by clicking the Add New  icon.
  17. Associated Campaign - If this client is associated with a specific campaign, select the campaign using the Lookup  icon. If the campaign is not in the system, you can add a new one by clicking the Add New icon (for help adding a campaign please see our KB Article - Add Campaigns).
  18. Financial Information - Enter the client's/customer's financial information here. 
  19. Delivery Information - This Client/Customer Accepts Deliveries - If this client/customer accepts deliveries from your organization, check this box. This opens the next two fields:
  20. Delivery State Time - This box is greyed out unless the previous fields box has been checked. Enter the delivery start time for your client/customer. You can manually enter a date or use the calendar selector.
  21. Delivery End Time- This box is greyed out unless the previous fields box has been checked. Enter the delivery end time for your client/customer. You can manually enter a date or use the calendar selector.
  22. Expected Deliveries per Month(#) - You can enter the anticipated number of deliveries the client/customer will receive per month.
  23. Special Delivery Instructions - Enter any special delivery instructions the client/customer has here. 

Once these details have been entered you can click the "Save All Changes & Continue" button to save these changes and move on to another tab for your client/customer. If you are done entering details for this client/customer click the "Save ALL Changes & Exit" button to save your work and be returned to your full list of Client/Customers.

2. Training tab:
This tab shows all the client/customer training tracks. This is all the training tracks this client has completed.
3. Task Work tab:
This tab shows all the task work that has been assigned to this client/customer. You can filter the list by using the "Due Date Range: Start Date & End Date." 
4. Volunteer Tasks tab:

This tab shows you the volunteer tasks that have been assigned to this client/customer. You can search the tasks by using the search bar and entering the ID, Task name or volunteer.
5. Backlog tab:
This tab shows you the client/customer backlog items. You can add a new item to the list by selecting the "Add New" button. This opens the Customer Backlog Workspace:
To enter a customer backlog item, you need to fill out these details:
  1. Status - Select a status from the drop-down list for your backlog item. If an appropriate status is not listed you can create a new one by selecting the Add New icon.
  2. Backlog Item Title - Enter a title for your backlog item. The title is limited to 140 characters. This is a required field. 
  3. Budget - Enter the dollar amount budgeted for this backlog item. This is a required field.
  4. Desired Due Date - Enter the desired due date for the item. You can manually enter a date or use the calendar selector.
  5. Edit Specs - If you would like to enter specifications for the item, click the "Edit Specs" button. This opens a text box area where you can enter the specs for the item. Once entered click the "Save All Changes & Exit" to exit out of the backlog item and be returned to your client/customer workspace.
  6. Related Files - Like all other modules and sections in Argenta, you can also add an unlimited number of related files to this item.  Make sure to save your changes first before adding related files. If you would like to add any related files to this item you can do so here. This could be a copy of a spec sheet or any other document. Simply click the "Browse" button to search for and select a file from your computer or drag and drop the file into the "Drag & Drop File Box".
Once these details have been entered, you will click the save Icon from the top   or the "Save All Changes & Exit" button to be returned to your client/customer workspace. You will see your item listed on the backlog tab now.
6. Projects tab:
On this tab, you will see any projects that are related to this Client/Customer.
7. Meeting Minutes tab:
On this tab, you will see any Client/Customer meeting minutes. You can add new minutes to this tab by selecting the "Add New" button. This opens the Meeting Minutes Workspace. For help adding meeting minutes please see our other KB Article - Add Meeting Minutes.
8. Expenses tab:

On this tab, you will see any expenses that have been associated with this client/customer. If you feel an expense is missing open your business expenses, find the expense, and make sure it is associated with this client/customer on the Record Associations tab and under the Related Client/Customer field.
9. Past Due Invoices tab:
This tab will show you any past-due invoices this client/customer has.
10. Checklists tab:
On this tab, you can view any checklists this client/customer has or build a checklist. To add a new client/customer checklist simply click the "Add New" button. This opens a field for you to name your new checklist. Enter a name for your checklist and click the Save  icon. Your checklist has been added. To enter items in your new checklist click the Open  icon and your checklist will be opened. From here you can add unlimited items to the checklist by clicking the "Add New" button. The same blank field will open allowing you to enter items into the checklist.
11. Follow-Up tab:
On this tab, you can see all the follow-ups you have entered. You can view a follow-up by clicking the corresponding Open  icon for the follow-up you wish to view. You can create a new follow-up by clicking the "Add New" button.  This opens the Follow-Up Details screen:
From here you need to enter these details about your follow-up:
  1. Team Member - By default, this will say the user that is signed into Argenta. You can select another user from the drop-down list if needed. This is a required field.
  2. Follow-Up Reason - Enter the reason for the follow-up meeting. This is a required field.
  3. Follow-Up Outcome - Once the follow-up has occurred you will enter the details and/or outcome here.
  4.  Follow-Up Date & Time - Enter a date and time for the follow-up meeting. You can manually enter a date and time or use the calendar and time selectors. This will be entered onto your personal calendar. This is a required field.
  5. Notification Date & Time - If you would like to set a notification for yourself, enter a date and time here. You can manually enter a date and time or use the calendar and time selectors. Setting a notification here sets up the date and time that an email reminder will be sent to you for the purpose of reminding you of this follow-up appointment.
  6. Send A Notification to 2nd Email Address - If you would like to send the notification email to someone else, you can enter another email address here that will also receive your notification email.
Once these details have been entered click the "Save All Changes & Exit" button. This adds your Follow-up and returns you to the list of follow-ups. 
12. Email Log tab:
This tab shows you all the emails that you have sent to this client/customer through the Argenta system.
13. Contact Log tab:
This tab shows you all the contacts with the client/customer you have logged. You can log a contact to this client/customer from this tab. To log a contact, simply click the "Add New" button. This opens the Add Contact Log Items screen:
From here you will enter these details about your contact:
  1. Date of Contact - Enter the date and time of your contact. You can manually enter a date and time or use the calendar and time selectors. This is a required field.
  2. With Team Member - Enter the team member that had contact with this client/customer. By default, it will show the user who is signed into Argenta. To select another user, click the Lookup icon and search for and select the correct team member for the contact. This is a required field.
  3. Mark Contact As An Engagement - If you would like to add the contact and make the contact and engagement at the same time, select the engagement type from this drop-down list. If an applicable engagement type is not listed you can add a new one by selecting the Add New icon.
  4. Text Box - Enter the details about the contact here.
Once these details have been entered click the "Save & Add Contact Log Item" button to save the contact and be returned to your client/customer workspace again.

14. Files tab:
On this tab, you will find all the files you have attached to this client/customer.   You can add an unlimited number of related files to this client/customer.  Make sure to save your changes first before adding related files. If you would like to add a related files to this client/customer you can do so on this tab. Simply click the "Browse" button to search for and select a file from your computer or drag and drop the file into the "Drag & Drop File Box". To complete the upload process click the "Save The Selected File" button.
15. Notes tab:

On this tab, you will find all your related notes you have entered for this client/customer. If you would like to add notes to this client/customer you do so on this tab. To add a note, click the "Add New" button. This will open the "Add A New Note" screen where you can type a note. Click the "Save & Add This Note" button to save the note and be returned to your client/customer workspace. 
16. Record Permissions tab:

This tab controls the record permissions for the client/customer record.

16. A. View Only Access:

Sometimes you want users to be able to view a record, but block them from modifying that record. Individual records can be set to View Only so only master admins and users who are listed here, can edit them. To grant users permission to modify this record simply add them here. Select a user from the "Select A User To Add" drop-down menu then click the "Add Selected User" button to add the user to the view-only access permissions.

16. B. Locked Record Access:

Individual records can be locked so only master admins and users who are listed here, can view or edit them. To grant users permissions for this record simply add them here. Select a user from the "Select A User To Add" drop-down menu, then click the "Add Selected User" button to add a user to the locked record access permissions.