A Campaign is any effort made by your organization toward
completing a particular goal. Campaigns can be related to soliciting donations,
generating interest for an event, attracting volunteers or getting the word out
about your mission with social media marketing. Once you create a campaign you
can assign it to items like donations so you can track the progress of each
The intent of this article is to walk you through making changes and viewing your campaign details. If you need information on what a field's functionality or description are, please see our KB - Overview, Working with Campaigns.
From the Argenta main menu on the left-hand side of the screen, select Sales and Marketing > Campaigns:
This will redirect you to your full campaign list. All of the campaigns that have been previously entered will be
displayed in the list:
Click the corresponding Open
icon, for the record you want to view or update. This will open the Campaign Workspace screen for the record you selected:
Within the campaign workspace there are 12 tabs of information that can all be viewed or updated depending on your needs. Lets go tab-by-tab and see all the information you can update and view within the campaign workspace:
1. Campaign Details tab:
This tab holds the bulk of the information pertaining to your campaign. The fields and areas you can change on this tab are:
- Record Level Permissions - Set As View Only - You can click this checkbox to select this permission setting or uncheck the permission setting.
- Record Level Permissions - Lock This Record - You can click this checkbox to select this permission setting or uncheck the permission setting.
- Campaign Status - To change the campaigns status use this drop-down list and select the status you wish to set the campaign to. Remember only the status of In Progress and Ongoing make your public donation form available externally for donations. This is a required field.
- Start Date - Click into this field and manually type a start date or use the calendar selector to choose another start date.
- End Date - Click into this field and manually type an end date or use the calendar selector to choose another start date.
- Campaign Title - Click into the title field to make any changes to your title. This is a required field and it cannot be blank.
- Include Title on Public Form - You can click this checkbox to select that you want to include this title on your public form or uncheck this setting.
- Campaign Owner - You can select a new owner for the campaign by selecting the Lookup
button, searching for and selecting a new owner. - UTM Code - Click into this field to make changes to your UTM code.
- Campaign Type - Use the drop-down list to select a new type for your campaign.
- Campaign Category - Use the drop-down list to select a new category for your campaign. If an applicable category is not listed, you can add a new on by selecting the Add New
button. - Final Outcome - Use the drop-down list to select a new outcome.
- Chapter - Use the drop-down list to select a new chapter.
- Division - Use the drop-down list to select a new division.
- Department - Use the drop-down list to select a new department.
- District - Use the drop-down list to select a new district.
- Precinct - Use the drop-down list to select a new precinct.
Make sure and save your changes before moving on. You can save your changes and return to your campaign list by clicking the "Save All Changes & Exit" button. Or you can continue working on your campaign by clicking the "Save All Changes & Continue" button.
2. Public Form tab:
This tab houses the information that is displayed on your public form. The fields and areas you can change on this tab are:
- Include in Public Form - You can click this checkbox to include the fundraising progress bar on your public form or uncheck it to not include the progress bar.
- Banner Image - You can remove an image or add a new image here. To delete an image simply click the delete button for the image you wish to remove. To add a new banner image use the "Browse" button to search for and select an image from your computer or drag and drop the image into the "Drag & Drop" box.
- Fundraiser Description - To edit the description of your campaign that is shown on your public form click the "Edit Description" button. This will open the description text box area where you can edit the details of your campaign. Remember this shows on your public form. You can add images and links here as well.
3. Email Batches tab:
This tab will show you the email batches that you have sent for this campaign. The fields and areas you can change on this tab are:
- Pick A Template & Send Email - Use this button to pick a template and sent emails to your constituents for this campaign.
- Open a Batch - You can open a batch that you have sent by clicking on the corresponding open
icon for the batch you wish to view/edit. This will open the batch and you can edit the details of the batch.
4. Associated Events tab:
This tab houses the associated events with this campaign. You can open an associated event by clicking the corresponding ID for the Event you wish to view/edit.
5. Budget & Financials tab:
This tab houses the Budget and Financial information for the campaign. There are five additional tabs of information in this tab: Projected Expenses, Actual Expenses, Projected Income, Actual Income, and financial summary. Lets go tab-by-tab and see the fields and areas you can change on these tabs:
5. A. Projected Expenses:
On this tab you can add new projected expenses by clicking the "Add New" button. You can also make changes to a projected expense by clicking
into the expense details and making changes to the field. You can also change your total budget amount by clicking into that field and typing in a
new budget amount.
5. B. Actual Expenses:
Business expense that have been associated to this campaign will be shown here. You can open a business expense by clicking the corresponding
icon for the expense you wish to view/update.
5. C. Projected Income:
On this tab you can build out your projected income. Click the "Add New" button to add a new projected income item. You can update an item by
clicking into the income item details for the record you wish to change. Be sure to save your changes by clicking the Save
button for the item you are changing or by clicking the "Save All" button.
5. D. Actual Income:
This tab displays the actual income that has been associated to this event. Any donations that were received using your public donation form
will automatically be coded to this campaign and shown here. If you feel a donation is missing, search your donations and make sure those
associated with this campaign have properly been associated to the campaign. You can open a donation, invoice, or payment here by clicking on
the corresponding ID number for the item you wish to view/edit.
5. E. Financial Summary
This tab shows you the financial summary. It shows your projected vs actual financials. These fields are controlled by the previous tabs. If you update
a projected expense or income item, it will be updated here.
6. Analytics & Metrics tab:
This tab houses your analytics and metrics for the campaign. Each of the metrics has a separate screen that house the data. The campaign analytics are: Fundraising Results, Sales Results, Campaign Response, Email Marketing, Social Media, Pay Per Click, and Sourcing results. Click anyone of these to change the view of your metrics. Let's cover each one in detail. The fields and areas you can change on each of these screens are:
6. A. Fundraising Results:
This tab shows you the results of your fundraising campaign and there are no field that you can edit here. The results that are shown here are coming
from your budget & financials tab, fiscal donations, and business expenses.
6. B. Sales Results:
This tab shows you the results of your sales efforts. There are no fields that you can edit here. The results shown here are coming from your lead
acquisition, sales conversions, demos and appointments and your budget and financials.
6. C. Campaign Results:
This tab shows you your campaign response results. Here you need to fill in:
- Total Targeted - Enter the total targeted for this campaign. This is how many people you targeted with this campaign. Click into the field and type your number.
- Response Projected - Enter the number of responses that you project you will receive from this campaign. Click into the field and type your number.
- Total Response - This field will automatically update based on the donations you receive. You cannot edit this field.
Make sure and save your changes before moving on. Click the "Save Changes" button.
6. D. Email Marketing:
This tab shows you the results of your email marketing. There are no fields that you can edit here. The results shown here are coming from your email
batches tab and the associated emails sent for this campaign.
6. E. Social Media:
This tab shows you the results of your social media efforts. But first, you must enter the details about your social media efforts. To enter a result set click
the "Add New" button and the result set panel will open. You cannot edit a result set. If the result set entered is not correct you will need to delete it by
clicking the corresponding delete
button for the set you wish to delete. Then, you can add a new, correct record if need be. The results summary will change with each new result set you add.
6. F. Pay Per Click:
This tab shows you the results of your pay per click efforts. But first, you must enter the details about your pay per click efforts. To enter a result set click
the "Add New" button and the result set panel will open. You cannot edit a result set. If the result set entered is not correct you will need to delete it by
clicking the corresponding delete
button for the set you wish to delete. Then, you can add a new, correct record if need be. The results summary
will change with each new result set you add.
6. G. Sourcing Results:
This tab shows you the results of your sourcing efforts. But first, you must enter the details about your sourcing efforts. To ender a result set click the
"Add New" button and the result set panel will open. You cannot edit a result set. If the result set entered is not correct, you will need to delete it by
clicking the corresponding delete
button for the set you wish to delete. Then, you can add a new, correct record if need be, The results summary will change with each new result set you add.
7. Acquisition tab:
This tab houses the acquisitions your received based on this campaign. Each constituent acquisition type is housed on its own tab. Here you will see tabs for the Acquisition Summary, Clients/Customers, Donors, Leads/Opportunities, Material Donations, Members, Pledges, and Volunteers. You can open a record from these tabs by clicking the corresponding ID number for the record you wish to view/edit. Please remember, these are not converted leads, just leads you acquired through this campaign.
8. Sales Conversions tab:
This tab houses the sales conversions you received from this campaign. You can open a lead by clicking on the corresponding ID number for the lead you wish to view/edit.
9. Demos & Appointments tab:
This tab houses the demos and appointments that are associated to this campaign. You can open the appointment by clicking on the corresponding ID number for the appointment you wish to open. You can also open the lean/opportunities constituent record by clicking on the corresponding Open Icon for the lead you wish to view/edit.
10. Files tab:
This tab houses all of the files you wish to attach to this campaign. You can add additional files to the campaign by clicking the "Browse" button and searching for and selecting a file from your computer. Or you can drag and drop a file into the "Drag & Drop" box. Please remember to click the "Save The Selected File" to finalize adding the file. You can delete a file by selecting the corresponding Delete

icon for the file you wish to delete.
11. Notes tab:
This tab houses all the notes you have entered in regards to this campaign. You can open a note and edit it by clicking the corresponding Open

icon for the note you wish to edit. Or you can delete the not by clicking the corresponding Delete

icon for the note you wish to delete.
12. Record Permissions tab:
This tab houses all the record permissions you have created. If a record has been locked but you want to allow a user access to the record, you will need to add them here. To add a user to either list, select the user from the drop-down list and then click the "Add Selected User" button. This adds the selected user to the permissions list. You can remove a user from either list by clicking the corresponding Delete

Icon for the user you wish to remove.