This article provides an understanding of Funds and explains how Funds are Viewed/Opened, Edited/Updated, and Deleted. In addition, Bulk Action updates are also covered in this article.
To get to Funds, select General Financials > Funds - from the main menu on the left side of the screen.
To view or open a fund register, find the fund you wish to open, by searching or filtering for the fund.
Open or view the fund register by selecting the corresponding fund register icon
for the record you wish to view.
This will open the record for you to view.
Once in the Fund Register, you can open or view a transaction by selecting the open icon.
When you are in the Funds listing you can see all your funds, their type, their category their balance and their description.
When you are in the Fund Register you can see all the transactions for the selected fund.
Functionality of Funds
You can add a new Fund by selecting the "Add New" button. For more help on adding a Fund please see KB Article -
Add Funds.
You can export your funds list to Excel by selecting the "Export To Excel" button.
You can view all fund transfers by selecting the "Fund Transfers" button.
You can search for a fund by name by using the search box.
When you are in the Fund Register:
- You can filter the fund register by selecting the "Filter Register" button.
- You can export your transactions to Excel by selecting the "Export To Excel" button.
- You can return to your funds listing by selecting the "Funds List" button.
Once you are in the Fund listing, you can Edit/Update a fund as needed. These are the fields that can be edited/updated:
To update any of these fields simply click the drop downs or click into the field and select new field values. When you are finished updating the record, click the save icon
before moving on.
When you are in the Fund Register, simply open a transaction by clicking on the corresponding open icon to Edit/Update a transaction as needed. These are the fields that can be edited/updated: