The Website page is a collection of all the websites owned and managed by your organization. This is a useful place for web developers to store important information and addresses relating to these websites.

To get started, choose My Organization > Our Websites - from the Argenta main menu on the left-hand side of the screen,.




This will bring you into your Websites list. From here, click the “Add New” button.



This will open the Website Workspace window.

Here you will need to fill out the details of your website. Let's go over each field and tab in detail:
1. Record Permissions - You can choose to lock the record by placing a checkmark in the "Lock This Record"  box. Choosing to lock this record prevents users from viewing or updating it, unless they're either a master admin or given specific permissions on the Record Permissions tab. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
2. Launch Date - Enter the launch date of the website. You can manually enter in a date or use the date selector. This field is required.
3. Current Status - By default creating a new website will list the status of "Active." If you need to inactive the website you can do so by selecting it from the drop-down list. This field is required.
4. Website Title - Enter a title for your website. This field is required.
5. Website URL TEST - Enter your test website URL here.
6. Website URL DEV - Enter your development website URL here.
7. Website URL PROD - Enter your production website URL here.
8. Website URL Other - Enter your other website URL here.
9. FTP Address - Enter your FTP address here.
10. FTP User ID - Enter the FTP user ID here.
11. FTP Password - Enter the FTP password here.
12. Primary Developer or Business Analyst - Enter your primary developer or business analysts name here.
13. Designer, Business Analyst or Secondary Developer - If you have a secondary designer, analyst, or developer, enter their name here.
14. Site Admin/CMS URL - Enter your content management systems admin URL here.
15. Site Admin/CMS User ID - Enter your content management system admin user ID here.
16. Site Admin/CMS Password - Enter your content management system password here.
Once these details have been enter you can also add any related files or notes to this website by using the sections below.
For help adding a related file, please see KB Article -Add Related File.
For help adding a note to the notes section, please see KB Article - Add A Note to the Notes Section.
Before moving on you should save your changes. If you are done working on your website details you can click the "Save All Changes & Exit" button. This will return you to your website list. If you are not done with your website details you can click the "Save All Changes & Continue" button or the Save Icon from the top. This will save your changes and allow you to keep working in the Website Workspace.
In addition, there are five additional tabs for information.  They are: Website Spec Lists, Domain Name Registration, Hosting Provider, Web & Database Servers, Record Permissions. Lets go over each of these tabs and the information they contain in detail.
Website Spec Lists
This tab allows you to list any website specifications that you have. This has an open “list” field, where you can type in as many entries as needed. To enter a new item simply select the "Add New" button and a new lit item will appear. Type in the name for your new list and click the Save Icon to save the list. Then you can open the list by selecting the Open Icon. Here you can add as many items to this list as needed.
Domain Name Registration
Here you can enter the details of your domain name registration. Let's go over each field in detail:
1. Domain Registrar - Enter your website domain registrar here.

2. Domain Registrar URL - Enter your website domain registrar URL here.

3. Domain Registrar Phone - Enter the phone number for your website domain registrar here.

4. Domain Registrar Email Address - Enter the email address for your website domain registrar here.

5. Expiration Date - Enter the expiration date of your website domain here.

6. Domain Registrar User ID - Enter the website domain registrar user ID here.

7. Domain Registrar Password - Enter the password for your website domain registrar here.

8. Primary DNS - Enter your primary DNS here.

9. Secondary DNS - Enter your secondary DNS here.

Hosting Provider

Here you will enter the details about your hosting provider. Let's go over each field in detail:

1. Hosting Provider - Enter your hosting provide here.

2. Hosting Site ID - Enter your hosting site ID here.

3. Hosting Account Number - Enter your hosting account number here.

4. Hosting Secret Answer - Enter your hosting secret answer here.

5. Hosting Tech User ID - Enter your hosting tech user ID here.

6. Hosting Tech Password - Enter your hosting tech password here.

7. Hosting Customer Svc. User ID - Enter your hosting customer service user ID here.

8. Hosting Customer Svc. Password - Enter your hosting customer service password here.

9. Hosting Tech Support Phone - Enter the hosting tech support phone number here.

10. Hosting Customer Svc. Phone - Enter the hosting customer service phone number here.

11. Hosting Tech Support Email - Enter the hosting tech support email address here.

12. Hosting Customer Svc. Email - Enter the hosting customer service email address here.

13. Hosting Tech Support URL - Enter the hosting tech support URL here.

14. Hosting Customer Service URL - Enter the hosting customer service URL here.

15. Hosting Due Date (Expense) - Enter the hosting due date for renewal here.

16. Resale Billing Date (Income) - Enter the resale billing date here.

17. Hosting Cost (Expense) - Enter how much your hosting cost is here.

18. Resale Profit (Income) - Enter your resale profit amount here.

19. Monthly Site Maintenance $ (Income) - Enter your monthly site maintenance cost here.


Web & Database Servers


From here you will enter all the details about your demo website servers. Let's look at each of these fields in details:
Test Server:
1. Web Server Name (TEST) - Enter your test website server name here.

2. Web Server FQDN (TEST)Enter your test website server FQDN here.

3. Web Server IP Address (TEST) Enter your tester web server IP address here.

4. Web Server Code Location (TEST) - Enter your test web server code location here. 

5. Web Server User ID (TEST) - Enter your test web server user ID here.

6. Web Server Password (TEST) - Enter your test web server password here.

7. Database Server Name (TEST) - Enter your test database server name here.

8. Database Server FQDN (TEST)Enter your test database server FQDN here.

9. Database Server IP Address (TEST)Enter your test database server IP address here.

10. Database Name (TEST)Enter your test database name here.

11. Database User ID (TEST)Enter your test database user ID here.

12. Database Password (TEST)Enter your test database password here.

Development Server:
1. Web Server Name (DEV) - Enter your development web server name here.

2. Web Server FQDN (DEV) Enter your development web server FQDN here.

3. Web Server IP Address (DEV) - Enter your development web serve IP address here.

4. Web Server Code Location (DEV) - Enter your development web server code location here.

5. Web Server User ID (DEV) - Enter your development web server user ID here.

6. Web Server Password (DEV) - Enter your development web server password here.

7. Database Server Name (DEV)Enter your development database server name here.

8. Database Server FQDN (DEV)Enter your development database server FQDN here.

9. Database Server IP Address (DEV)Enter your development database server IP Address here.

10. Database Name (DEV) - Enter your development database name here.

11. Database User ID (DEV) Enter your development database user ID here.

12. Database Password (DEV) Enter your development database password here.

Production Server:
1. Web Server Name (PROD) - Enter your production web server name here.

2. Web Server FQDN (PROD) -  Enter your production web server FQDN here.

3. Web Server IP Address (PROD)Enter your production web server IP address here.

4. Web Server Code Location (PROD)Enter your production web server code location here.

5. Web Server User ID (PROD) Enter your production web server user ID here.

6. Web Server Password (PROD) - Enter your production web server password here.

7. Database Server Name (PROD)Enter your production database server name here.

8. Database Server FQDN (PROD)Enter your production database server FQDN here.

9. Database Server IP Address (PROD) - Enter your production database server IP address here.

10. Database Name (PROD) - Enter your production database name here.

11. Database User ID (PROD) Enter your production database user ID here.

12. Database Password (PROD) - Enter your production database password here.

Record Permissions
Individual records can be locked so only master admins and users who are listed here can view or edit them. To add user permissions for this record simply add them here by selecting the user from the drop-down list,
then click the "Add Selected User" button. This will add the user to the record permissions and allow the user to edit and view the record.