A training track is a unit of training designed for board members, clients, members, staff members, or volunteers. Training tracks can be individual sessions or one of many iterations of a larger course or series. Each training track displays information about the training, participants, notes, files and references. There are three ways to get to the training module in Argenta, first is Staff & HR > Staff Training, the second is Membership > Member Training and the third is Volunteerism > Volunteer Training. All of these will all lead you to the training track screen.  Which way you go is up to you and your desired training purpose.
Once you select a training, the Training Tracks window will open and show all of your organizations training tracks. From here, select the "Add New" button to add a new training track.
This will open the Training Track Workspace screen where you will enter all the details, files and notes for your training program.
From here you need to enter the details of your training program. Lets explore each field and the additional tabs in detail:
1. Record Permissions - You can choose to lock the record by placing a checkmark in the "Lock This Record"  box. Choosing to lock this record prevents users from viewing or updating it, unless they're either a master admin or given specific permissions on the Record Permissions tab. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
2. Date of Training - Enter a date for the training. This is the date the training will or has taken place. You can manually enter a date or use the date selector. This field is required.
3. Trainer/Facilitator - You can enter a trainer or facilitators name here.
4. Training Category - You can select a category from the drop-down list.  If a category is not listed, you can add a new one by selecting the "Add New" button. This field is required.
5. Training Topic - This is a descriptive name for the training program. This field is required.
6. Description - You can add any additional details about the program here.
7. Department/Chapter - You can select an appropriate department/chapter for this training if one applies from the drop-down list.  If your department/chapter is not listed you may add a new one by selecting the "Add New" button.
8. District - If this training applies to a specific district, you can select one from the drop-down list.
9. Precinct - If this training applies to a specific precinct, you can select one from the drop-down list.
Here is a good time to save all your changes before moving on. You can select the "Save All Changes & Exit" button if you are done working with your training record. If you wish to continue on with the additional information about your record select either the Save Icon from the top or the "Save All Changes & Continue" button.
In addition to the details about your training, you can also add any related files or notes to the training track. You might want to attach the training information, Power Points, PDFs, and documents. You can add as many files or notes as needed.
For help on adding related files, please refer to KB Article - Add Related Files.
For help on adding a note, please refer to KB Article - Add A Note to the Notes Section.
As mention above, there are six additional tabs. They are: Board Members, Clients, Members, Staff Members, Volunteers, and Record Permissions. Lets explore the tabs.
Constituent Tabs: Board Members, Clients, Members, Staff Members, and Volunteers
Once your Board Members, Clients, Members, Staff Members, or Volunteers complete the training program you may track their completion of the course and their final score. This is controlled by the tabs at the top.
Simply click the appropriate tab to log your participants status and score. Once you click on one of the constituent tabs above You will click the "Add New" button to enter your participants participation and mark their training as completed with a final score. 
This will open the Add A New Training Track Participant window.
This is where you will log the participation from your constituent. Let's take a look at the fields on this screen:
1. Participant ID - Select the correct participant to add to this training track by selecting the "Lookup" button, searching for and selecting your participant. This field is required.
2. Did Participant Complete The Training Track - Select whether the participant has completed the training track. Yes or No. This field is required.
3. Final Score - Enter a final score for this participant if needed.
Click the "Add This Participant" to add the participant to the training track.
Record Permissions
Individual records can be locked so only master admins and users who are listed here can view or edit them. To add user permissions for this record simply add them here by selecting the user from the drop-down list,
then click the "Add Selected User" button. This will add the user to the record permissions and allow the user to edit and view the record.