Tasks are single entry items that need to be completed by a member of your team. The task manager is helpful for team members to stay organized and on track. Once a team member has
been added in Argenta, a task can be created and assigned to them. Team members are any of the following: Staff Members, Argenta Users, Board Members or Volunteers who are designated as team members.
To get started with the Task Management Module, choose Workflow & Productivity > Tasks - from the Argenta main menu on the left side of the screen.
This will open the full listing of your organizations Active Tasks. From here, click the "Add New" button.
This will open the Task Workspace window.
This is where you will enter the details of your task. Let's take a look at each field and the additional tabs in more detail:
1. Record Permissions - You can choose to lock the record by placing a checkmark in the "Lock This Record" box. Choosing to lock this record prevents users from viewing or updating it, unless they're either a master admin or given specific permissions on the Record Permissions tab. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
2. Task Title - Enter a title for your new task. This field can contain up to 140 characters. This field is required.
3. Task Category - Select a category from the drop-down list. Your options are: Follow-up, Marketing Tasks, Research, and Support. This field is required.
4. Associate Client for This Task - Here you can select a client that is associated to the task by clicking the "Lookup" button to search for and select the client.
5. Assigned To (Team Member) - If your task should be assigned to a member of your team, select the "Lookup" button to search for and select the team member.
6. Requested by Constituent - If this task is being requested by a constituent of yours you can assign them here by selecting the "Lookup" button and searching for and selecting the constituent.
7. Description - You can enter a description for your task here.
8. Current Status - Select a status from the drop-down list. Your options are: New, pending Initial Approval, Approved/In Spec, Assigned, In Process, Waiting on Client, In Testing/QA, Needs Final Approval, On Hold, Completed, Cancelled/Void. This field is required.
9. Priority - Select a priority from the drop-down list. Your options are: 1-Critical, 2-High, 3-Med, and 4-Low.
10. Date Submitted - By default this will show the current date. You can change this manually by typing in a date or by using the date selector. This field is required.
11. Due Date - Enter the date due here by manually typing in a date or by using the date selector. This field is required.
12. Completion Date - You can enter a date of completion here once the task has been completed. Leave blank for now.
13. Work Hours (#) - Enter the hours you think this task will take. This field is required.
14. Billable Hours (#) - Enter the number of hours you are billing for this task. This field is required.
15. Hourly Rate ($) - Enter the dollar amount for the hourly rate. This field is required.
16. Department/Chapter - If this task belongs to a specific department or chapter please select the appropriate one from the drop-down list. If an appropriated one is not listed you can add a new one by selecting the "Add New" button.
17. District - If this task belongs to a specific district, select it from the drop-down list.
18. Precinct - If this task belongs to a specific precinct, select it from the drop-down list.
This is a great time to save your changes before moving on. If you are done with the task you can click the "Save & Exit" button. If you want to continue working with the task you can click the Save Icon from the top or the "Save & Continue" button below.
In addition to all the details you have entered above, you can also attach any files or notes to this task by using the sections below.
For help adding related files, please refer to KB Article - Add Related Files.
For help adding a note, please refer to KB Article - Add A Note to the Notes Section.
As mentioned earlier there are two additional tabs. They are: Task Checklists and Record Permissions. Let's take a look at each one in detail:
Task Checklists
This tab allows you to create a checklist for the task you entered. To add a new checklist item click "Add New" and a new line will be added to the list. Enter information for your new checklist item, then select the Save Icon behind the list. You can add as many checklist items as needed for the task.
Record Permissions
Individual records can be locked so only master admins and users who are listed here can view or edit them. To add user permissions for this record simply add them here by selecting the user from the drop-down list,
then click the "Add Selected User" button. This will add the user to the record permissions and allow the user to edit and view the record.