Product inventory can be added two different ways, manually and by placing orders. Each product you have entered into the products section will be display in the Product Inventory screen. Inventory is added when vendor orders are fulfilled or can be added and changed manually as needed. This article will cover manually changing your inventory. 
For help with placing orders and how these get added to your inventory please see our other KB Article - Add Product Order.
To get started, select Products & Inventory > Product Inventory - from the left-hand side of the Argenta main menu.
This opens the Product Inventory screen, where you will see all of your inventory items listed:
Here you can add inventory manually or manually change your inventory. First, adding inventory manually will be covered.
1. Add Inventory Manually:
To add inventory manually, click the "Add Inventory Manually" button:
This opens the Argenta Inventory Management screen where you can add inventory with no vendor order to your items all in one screen. To add inventory, just fill in the quantity (QTY) field for each item you are wishing to add inventory to:
You can manually add quantities to all your items or just a few. When you are finished, click the "Add These Items" button, from the top or bottom of the list. This adds the quantities to the items and you are returned to the product inventory screen. 
2. Manually Change Inventory:
If for any reason you need to manually change your inventory, you can do so from the Product Inventory screen as well. Simply select the "Manually Change Inventory" button for the corresponding item that you wish to change:
This opens the Change Product Inventory Manually screen:
From here you can add to the quantity on hand by filling in the Enter QTY To Add To Inventory field with the number you are wanting to add to inventory. Then select the "Add To Inventory" button. This adds your QTY to your inventory.
Or you can remove quantity on hand by filling in the Enter QTY To Remove From Inventory field with the number you are wanting to remove from inventory. Then select the "Remove From Inventory" button.  This removes your QTY from you inventory.
Anytime you manually change your inventory a log will be kept. This is where you can see all the manual changes to your inventory and who made those changes. To view the log select the "Inventory Change Log" button from top:
This opens the Inventory Change Log. From here you can see all the manual changes to your inventory, the dates they happened and who changed it: