Grantors are those foundations, organizations, or donors that provide grants to your organization. You must have the constituent listed as a Grantor in order to receive grants from them. In order to add a Grantor to your database, they first need to be a constituent.  For help adding a constituent to your database, please se our other KB Article - Add Constituents
To get started, select Constituents > Grantors  or Grant Management > Grantors-  from the main menu on the left hand side of the screen:
This opens your full list of Grantors.  From here you will select the "Add New" button:
This opens the Add A New Grantor by Designating A Constituent As A Grantor screen:
From here you will need to enter this information about your New Grantor:
  1. Constituent ID - Select the Lookup  icon to search for and select a constituent. If your grantor is brand new, you can enter them by selecting the Add New  icon. This is a required field.
  2. Grantor Type Select a grantor type from the drop-down list. If an appropriate type is not listed, you can add a new one by selecting the Add New  icon.  
  3. Acquisition SourceSelect a source from the drop-down list. If an appropriate source is not listed, you can add a new one by selecting the Add New  icon.
  4. Associated CampaignYou can associate a campaign with the grantor if needed, by selecting the Lookup  icon, searching for and selecting the related campaign. If the Campaign is not listed you can add a new one by selecting the Add New  icon.
Once all your fields have been filled out, click the "Add This Grantor" button to add the grantor and be returned to your complete list of Grantors.