Mission Trip Reserved Credits are credits that your organization issues now, to be applied to a future Mission Trip Enrollment.
To add a Mission Trip Reserved Credit, select Programs > Mission Trip Reserved Credits - from the main menu on the left side of the screen.
This will open the Mission Trip Reserved Credits screen. From here, select the "Add New" button:
This will open the Add A New Mission Trip Reserved Credit screen:
From here you need to fill out:
- Credit Issued Date - Enter a date for the credit issued. You can use the date picker or enter the date manually. This is a required field.
- Credit Amount - Enter an amount for the credit. This is a required field.
- Mission Trip Account - Select the account you're issuing the credit to. Use the Lookup button to search for and select the corresponding account. This is a required field.
When these fields are complete, click the "Add This Reserved Credit" button. This will create the credit and display it in your list of Reserved Credits with a status of Issued.