A Mission Trip Account is an organization, household or individual that participates in a Mission Trip. A Mission Trip Account enrolls in one or more Mission Trip(s). Think of a Mission Trip Account like a customer. To add a Mission Trip Account, select Programs - Mission Trip Accounts - from the main menu on the left side of the screen:
This will redirect you to the Mission Trip Account List. Remember Mission Trip Accounts are first created as a constituent, then by adding them here, they are grouped as a Mission Trip Account. From here select the "Add New" button to add a new account:
This will open the "Add A New Mission Trip Account" screen:
Steps to Add A New Mission Trip Account:
- Constituent ID- Select a constituent to designate as this Mission Trip Account by using the Lookup button. If the constituent is not listed, you can add a new one from this screen by selecting the Add New button in the Constituent ID field. For help adding a new constituent please refer to KB Article - Add Constituents. This is a required field.
- Account Manager (Team Member)- An Account Manager is a Team Member from your organization who provides support for the Mission Trip Account. You can assign an account manager by using the lookup button to select an account manager. This field is not required, but helpful. If a team member is not listed you can add a new one by clicking the Add New button. If you search for and select an account manager and you wish to remove them, you can do so by clicking the Clear Lookup button.
- Account Contact (Constituent)- An Account Contact is the person that is the primary contact from the organization or household you're creating a Mission Trip Account for. You can assign an account contact for this account by using the lookup button to select an account contact. This field is not required, but helpful. If the person you'd like to list as the account contact doesn't have a constituent record, you can add a new one by click the Add New button. If you search for and select an account contact and you wish to remove them, you can do so by clicking the Clear Lookup button.
- Department- You can associate this account with a department by selecting one from the "Department" drop-down menu. This field is not required.
- Account Type- If you'd like to use account types to classify your Mission Trip Accounts, you can create them in the "Classification Codes" section of Argenta, then use them here. To associate the account with a type, select one from the "Account Type" drop-down menu. If an account type is not listed you can add a new one by clicking the Add New button.
- Account Category- If you'd like to use account categories to classify your Mission Trip Accounts, you can create them in the "Classification Codes" section of Argenta, then use them here. To associate the account with a category, select it from the "Account Category" drop-down menu. If a category is not listed you can add a new one by clicking the Add New button.
- Acquisition Source- An Acquisition Source is the method by which you acquired the account. For example, if you ran a Facebook ad to promote a Mission Trip and the account found it and enrolled, your lead source would be Facebook Ads. You can select an acquisition source for the account by selecting one from the "Acquisition Source" drop-down menu. If an acquisition source is not listed, you can add a new one by click the Add New button.
- Associated Campaign- If this Mission Trip Account is associated with a campaign you will want to select the campaign from your list of campaigns. To do so use the Lookup button to search for and select the appropriate campaign. If the associated campaign is not listed you can add a new one by selecting the Add New button. If you searched for and selected an associated campaign and you wish to remove it, you can do so by clicking the Clear Lookup button.
When you have all the information entered, click the "Add This Account" button. This will add your new account and you will be returned to the Mission Trip Accounts list.