If you would like to start a discussion with your board members and you would like to keep a permanent record of the discussion, Argenta has a module for this. "Board Member Discussions" allows your Board Members to categorize and maintain conversations or official votes in one secure section. Much like slack or Google Hangouts this is Argenta’s built-in solution for internal communications.
To use the board member discussions select My Organization > Board Member Discussions from the main menu on the left side of the screen.

At this point you can add a new discussion by clicking the "Start A Discussion" button at the top left of the screen. A panel will open. Select a category for your discussion, or click the Add New button to create a new discussion category. Categories are considered a classification code. Argenta comes loaded with logical discussion categories to help you get started, but you can change them at any time. You can add or delete any classification code by selecting Classification Codes from the Argenta main menu on the left side of the screen.
You may also choose to send a notification to your board members about the discussion. If you would like to send an automated email to all of your users letting them know about the discussion, check the "Send A Notification To All Board Members About This Discussion" check box. If not, leave it unchecked.

Once you have selected a category for your discussion, you will enter the discussion into the text editor. You can format your text using the editor's formatting buttons. When you have finished entering your discussion click the "Start This Discussion" button. The panel will close and you will see your discussion in the list with your photo (if you have uploaded one into Argenta), the discussion category, the date you began the discussion and the discussion body. At this time you can edit the discussion by selecting the corresponding edit button in the list.
Only the user who posted the discussion is able to edit it. This maintains the integrity of the record so your users can feel confident that discussions attributed to them are secure and have not been changed by another user.

At this point, you can open a discussion by selecting the corresponding “View Thread” button in the list. This will open the thread so you can read through the thread and participate in the conversation. To add a discussion point, simply begin typing into the text editor. You can format your text using the editor's formatting buttons. To complete the process and add your discussion point into the thread, click the “Add My Discussion Point”. You will see your discussion point displayed in the list with your photo (if you have uploaded one into Argenta), the date you added the discussion point and the content you created.
At this time you can edit the discussion by selecting the corresponding edit button in the list.
Only the user who posted the discussion is able to edit it. This maintains the integrity of the record so your users can feel confident that discussions attributed to them are secure and have not been changed by another user.
If for some reason you wish to delete your response you can do so by clicking the corresponding delete icon
You will be prompted to confirm that you're sure you want to delete the record as the action is final and will permanently be deleted. Click the “Yes” button to permanently delete your thread.
To go back to your discussion lists and enter another discussion or to see what else is being discussed click the “Back to Discussion List” button.