This article provides an understanding of the Awards & Recognitions for constituents and explains how they are Viewed/Opened, Edited/Updated, and Deleted.
To get to the Awards & Recognitions screen, select Constituents (CRM) > Awards & Recognitions - from the main menu on the left side of the screen.
To view or open an award and recognition, find the record you wish to open, by searching or filtering for the record.
Open or view an award and recognition by selecting the corresponding open icon
for the award and recognition you wish to view.
This will open the Award/Recognition details screen for you to view further details about the award.
When you are in the Awards and Recognitions list for constituents, you can see, search and filter through all the awards and recognitions that you have entered.
If you find a typo, mistake, or error you can edit an award & recognition by opening the record with the open icon:
This will open the Award/Recognition Details screen where you can edit/update any of the award details.
To update any of these fields simply click into the field and start typing your new field values. When you've finished updating the record, click the "Save All Changes & Continue" button to save and continue working or the "Save All Changes & Exit" button to save and go back to the awards & recognitions list.
In addition to the details, you can also edit the related notes and files sections:
To update a file see KB Article -
To edit/update a note simply click on the "Edit" button for the note:
This will open the Update Notes screen: