This article provides an understanding of the Account Statements workspace and explains how Account Statements are Viewed/Opened, Edited/Updated, and Deleted.
To get to the Account Statements workspace, select General Financials > Account Statements - from the main menu on the left side of the screen.
To view or open a statement, find the statement you wish to open, by searching or filtering for the statement.
Open or view the statement by selecting the corresponding open icon
for the statement you wish to view. This opens the View/Update statements window, from here click the Statement File Path file to view the statement.
When you are in the Account Statements workspace, you will see all the statements you have uploaded listed.
When you are in the View/Update Statements screen, you can see all the statement details.
Functionality of the Account Statements Workspace
You can add a new statement by selecting the "Add New" button. For more information on Adding an Account Statement please see KB Article -
Add Account Statements.
You can filter the statements listed by selecting the "Filter List" button. For more information on Filtering Account Statements please see KB Article -
Filter Account Statements.
You can export your Account Statement listing to Excel by clicking on the "Export To Excel" button.
You can search your account statements by Account Name or Number by using the search field.
Once you are in the View/Update Statements workspace you can Edit/Update the statements as needed. These are the fields that can be edited/updated:
- Statement Date - To update this field click into the field and enter a new date or use the date selector to choose a new date.
- Associated Account - To update this field use the drop down menu to select a new account.
- Statement File Path - To update this field use the "Browse" button to search for and select a new statement. This will replace the one currently listed.
When you've finished updating the record, click either the "Save All Changes & Continue" button to save and continue working or the "Save All Changes & Exit" button to save and go back to your account statements listing.
Anytime you see a delete button
you can delete the corresponding record. To delete any record in Argenta, simply click the "Delete" button. A pop-up window will ask if you are sure you want to delete the record. Select "Yes" and the record will be deleted. Be very careful, deletion is a final action and can not be undone.
There is only one spot in Account Statements that you can delete a record. You can delete a statement and all the corresponding information by selecting the delete icon. Be very careful, deletion is a final action and can not be undone.