Leads/Opportunities can be updated individually by selecting the corresponding update icon in the list. They can also be updated in bulk, meaning users can choose certain criteria then update all the leads where the selected criteria applies.  The bulk update can be updated based on the State, the Campaign, a Team Member, or a Status Code.

To bulk update Leads/Opportunities choose Sales and Marketing > Leads/Opportunities from the left hand side of the Argent dashboard.
This will open the complete listing of your organizations Leads/Opportunities.  From here select the "Bulk Update" button from the top.
This will open a filter leads screen where you will select the lead assignments you wish to bulk update.  From here scroll to the bottom and select all the records you wish to update by selecting the checkbox in front of the record. Then scroll up and choose the assignment you wish to update.  Once you have chosen the assignment to update select the "Execute" action to the right of the assignment that you wish to update.  Do this for each assignment you are updating and the records you wish to bulk update.