This article will walk you through who the ticket purchaser is, who the additional guests are, and how you can convert an additional guest to an event guest.
An event guest is the person who purchases the ticket. Then, if the ticket allows for guests, additional guests are created. An event guest is a constituent, however, an additional guest is not a constituent within Argenta. An additional guest rather, is a named guest on a ticket.
Through ticket settings you have the option to allow multiple individuals per ticket sale. This is handy for couples tickets, where two people will purchase one ticket, or table tickets, where one ticket is used for multiple guests. When you allow more than one individual per ticket you are creating additional guests. To get started you need to check that you have allowed for more than one individual per ticket.
In the Event Workspace, select the "Ticket Settings" tab.
This will open all the ticket types for this Event and you will be able to set the total individuals that are allowed per ticket. You can edit or change these as needed:
To change the number of individuals per ticket, select the field "Total Individuals Per Ticket" and enter the number of individuals allowed per ticket. Ex. for a couples ticket you will enter 2. This creates the ticket purchaser as a constituent and will allow for one guest name to be entered on the public ticket sales form. *This field controls how many guests fields the purchaser will see on the public sales form.
Once tickets are purchased using the public sales form, they will show up in several tabs in your Event Workspace:
(Note: If a purchaser is unsure of the guest they are bringing, you can instruct them to just put "Guest" or "A guest of "their name"" or some combination there of, in the "First Name" field of the public sales form. Then, once they know who they are bringing, you can change the name on the "Additional Guests" tab.)
- Event Guest List tab: Once a ticket is purchased the primary ticket purchaser will be added to your Guest List. This person will also be entered as a Constituent within Argenta.
- Ticket Sales tab: An entry will be listed for the primary ticket purchaser on this tab as well. Should you need to change or edit the record you can do so by opening the record using the "Open" icon:
This will open the Event Ticket Sales Workspace and allow you to change the record, apply a payment if payment was not already made, issue refunds and attach files or notes to the record.
3. Additional Guests tab: The additional guests that were added from the public sales form will be listed on this tab. *Remember these are not listed as constituents in Argenta! If you wish to edit the additional guests, create a constituent and move to the guest list or delete a record you will do so on this tab:
- To make changes to the First Name, Last Name, or Email Address of the additional guest, simply click into the field and change the information. When you are done editing the fields simply click the "Save" icon to save your changes.
- To convert the Additional Guest to a Constituent within Argenta and add them to the Guest List, simply click the "Convert" icon to perform this action. The additional guest will be removed from the "Additional Guests" tab and moved to the "Event Guest List" tab. A constituent record for the guest will be created.