For your convenience, Argenta allows you to create a bulk texting list and then allows you to send out bulk text messages to that list.
First, you must create a Text List. A text list is a list of constituents created for the purpose of mass text messaging.
1. Create A Mail List from A Relationship Screen (eg: Donors)
All relationship management screens, Donors, Clients, Volunteers, etc., have a "Filter List " function that allows the list to be narrowed down by selecting specific criteria to filter the list. This is an easy way to select numerous records to add to a list:
To create a text list from your donors, you would select Constituents > Donors - from the Argenta main menu on the left-hand side:
This will open your full list of Donors. From here, click the "Filter List" button:
The Filter Donors panel will open above the list:
From here you can filter your list of donors by all of the filter criteria listed. You can choose as many filters as you need to narrow your list of donors. For this article we are going to choose all donors that have given in the last two years. With this filter criteria entered click the "Filter List" button. This will return your list of donors that have given in the last two years. Next, you will choose to add all of these donors to a list by using the select all field:
By placing a checkmark in this box, it selects all the donors that matched your filter. You could also choose to place checkmarks in individual records checkboxes, if you don't want to include all the records from your filter. With records selected you will select the "Choose a Bulk Action for Selected Records" drop-down list, select "Create A New Mailroom List With Selected Records" and then click the "Run Bulk Action" button:
This opens the "Add A New Mail List" screen:
From here you need to enter this information:
- Select The List Type(s) You Want To Create -
Select all the list types you want to create from your filtered list.
You can choose an Email List, a US Mail List, or a Text List. You can
choose one or all of the lists by placing checkmarks in their boxes. Select Text List. This is a required field.
- Mail List Title - You need to enter a title for your list here. For our example this would be Current Donors.
- Department - If this mailing list belongs to a specific department
within your organization or you wish to restrict users by department, select
the appropriate department from the drop-down list. If you have users in your
system who are restricted by department, they will only be able to see records
in the departments you have granted them access to.
- District - If this mailing list belongs to a specific district
within your organization or you wish to restrict users by district, select the
appropriate district from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system
who are restricted by district, they will only be able to see records in the
districts you have granted them access to.
- Precinct - If this mailing list belongs to a specific precinct
within our organization or you wish to restrict users by precinct, select the
appropriate precinct from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system
who are restricted by precinct, they will only be able to see records in the
precincts you have granted them access to.
Once you have filled in these details, click the "Add This List" button to add the list to your mail room.
Now you can send bulk text messages to these donors through the mail room.
2. Send Bulk Text Messages from Mail Room
To get started, select Communication > Mail Room, from the main menu on the left side of the screen:
This will take you into your Mailing, Email and Text lists. From here, choose the "Text Messaging Lists" tab:
This will open the Mail Room - Text Messaging Lists screen. From here choose your list by selecting the "Select A Text List To Display" drop-down and selecting your list from the menu:

This will bring up your Donor list for you to send your bulk text messages too. This is where you can look through the list one more time and make any changes if needed by deleting a constituent or adding a constituent to the list. If your constituent is missing from your list, go into their constituent record and make sure they are not marked as "Do Not Text." This will prevent them from being added to a text list. Please remember the terms and conditions of using Text Messaging: You guarantee that you are aware that, among other requirements, the
TCPA and CTIA rules require prior express written consent from a
consumer before you can send them marketing text messages and such
consent must be unambiguous
(i.e. the consumer must receive a clear and
conspicuous legal disclosure). Furthermore, damages for each message
sent in violation of the TCPA is $500 and can be $1500 if the violation
is proven to be “willful and knowing.” If for any reason Devscape
suspects that your constituents received text
messages contrary to any governing rules, it reserves the right to
request a written explanation from you, the client, including the method
of collecting the constituent’s phone numbers and a guarantee signed by
that all the people on your subscriber list
agreed to receive text messages from you of the type that you had sent.
Devscape Software reserves the right to take any action it thinks
appropriate in the case of non-compliance, including but not limited to
cancellation of your account.
To delete a constituent from the list, simply click the delete icon

behind the corresponding constituent you wish to delete. To add a constituent to the list, click the "Add Constituents" button. This will open a search box for you to type the name of the constituent into, then click the "Search" button. Your constituents that match your search criteria will be listed. To add a constituent click the corresponding add icon

for the constituent you wish to add. Once your are ready to send a bulk text to your list, click the "Send Text to List" button:
This opens the Send Bulk Texts screen:
This is where you will enter the text message that you wish to bulk send to these constituents. With you message entered click the "Send Text" button. Your bulk text message has been sent to all recipients.
Unfortunately, there is no way for us to know if a text message did not get delivered. This could be due to a wrong number or a phone number no longer being in service. There is no way to confirm delivery or receipt of the text message.
*Terms of Service for using Text Messaging:
You guarantee that you are aware that, among other requirements, the TCPA and CTIA rules require prior express written consent from a consumer before you can send them marketing text messages and such consent must be unambiguous (i.e. the consumer must receive a clear and conspicuous legal disclosure). Furthermore, damages for each message sent in violation of the TCPA is $500 and can be $1500 if the violation is proven to be “willful and knowing.” If for any reason Devscape Software suspects that your constituents received text messages contrary to any governing rules, it reserves the right to request a written explanation from you, the client, including the method of collecting the constituent’s phone numbers and a guarantee signed by you that all the people on your subscriber list agreed to receive text messages from you of the type that you had sent. Devscape Software reserves the right to take any action it thinks appropriate in the case of non-compliance, including but not limited to cancellation of your account.