Team Passwords related to a department’s work can be stored within
Argenta. Only individuals within a specified team can view the Team Passwords
To get started,
choose Workflow & Productivity > Team Password Keeper - from the Argenta main menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
This will open your Teams Passwords screen. Form here, select the “Add New” button to add a new Password.

This opens the Add a New
Password screen.

From here you can enter the details about your team password. Let's take a look at each field in detail:
1. Source - Enter the website or company name associated with the team password here.
2. Source URL - You can paste or type in the URL to the account’s website here.
3. User ID - Enter the account ID here. This is the ID you use to sign into the account.
4. Password - Enter the password for the account here.
5. Notes - You can also include any notes pertaining to the account here.
After reviewing the information entered, click “Add This Password” to finish. The window will close and you will find your new password in the team password list. You can enter as many team passwords as you would like. All entries are listed in alphabetical order.