A mail list is a list of
constituents created for the purpose of mass emailing, postal mailing or text messaging. A mail
list may be created in one of two ways.
1. Create A Mail List from A
Relationship Screen (ex: Donors)
All relationship management
screens, Donors, Clients, Volunteers, etc. have a “Filter List" function that allows your list to be narrowed down by selecting specific criteria to filter the list. This is an easy way to select numerous records to add to a list:
To create a mail list of donors that gave donations of $1000 dollars or more, you would select Constituents >
Donors - from the Argenta main menu on the left-hand side:
This will bring you into your full list of Donors. From here, click the "Filter
List" button:
The Filter Donors panel will open
above the list:

From the Donor Level drop-down list, choose the donor levels you want to send mail to. For our example we will select
"E, F, G, & H". Then you will click the “Filter List”
The list will display
only donors who have given over $1000 to your organization. Select each record, or use the empty checkmark box at the top of the list to select all the records:
Once your records are selected, click the drop-down list for bulk action (Choose a Bulk Action for Selected Records) and select "Create A New Mail Room List With Selected Records" then click the "Run Bulk Action" button.
The Add A New Mail List window will open:
From here you will need to fill out these details for the new list:
- Select The List Type(s) You Want To Create - Select all the list types you want to create from your filtered list. You can choose an Email List, a US Mail List, or a Text List. You can choose one or all of the lists by placing checkmarks in their boxes. This is a required field.
- Mail List Title - You need to enter a title for your list here. For our example this would be Top Level Donors.
- Department - If this mailing list belongs to a specific department
within your organization or you wish to restrict users by department, select
the appropriate department from the drop-down list. If you have users in your
system who are restricted by department, they will only be able to see records
in the departments you have granted them access to.
- District - If this mailing list belongs to a specific district
within your organization or you wish to restrict users by district, select the
appropriate district from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system
who are restricted by district, they will only be able to see records in the
districts you have granted them access to.
- Precinct - If this mailing list belongs to a specific precinct
within our organization or you wish to restrict users by precinct, select the
appropriate precinct from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system
who are restricted by precinct, they will only be able to see records in the
precincts you have granted them access to.
Once you have filled in these details click the "Add This List" button to add the list to your mail room and close out of the screen.
2. Create A New List in the Mail Room
You can also choose to create a new mail list right from the Mail Room. This allows you to individually add names to a list. To create a list this way you would open the Mail Room by going to Communication - Mail Room, from the Argenta main menu on the left-hand side:
This will open the Mail Room. From here you will need to choose the tab for the list you wish to create. Select the Email List tab for an email list, U.S. Mailing Lists tab for a mailed list, or Text Messaging Lists tab for a text list.
Once you have selected a list tab, click the "Add New" button to add a new list. This will opens the Add A New Mail List screen:

From here you will need to fill out these details for the new list:
- Select The List Type(s) You Want To Create - Select all the list types you want to create from your filtered list. You can choose an Email List, a US Mail List, or a Text List. You can choose one or all of the lists by placing checkmarks in their boxes. This is a required field.
- Mail List Title - You need to enter a title for your list here. For our example this would be Top Level Donors.
- Department - If this mailing list belongs to a specific department within your organization or you wish to restrict users by department, select the appropriate department from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by department, they will only be able to see records in the departments you have granted them access to.
- District - If this mailing list belongs to a specific district within your organization or you wish to restrict users by district, select the appropriate district from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by district, they will only be able to see records in the districts you have granted them access to.
- Precinct - If this mailing list belongs to a specific precinct within our organization or you wish to restrict users by precinct, select the appropriate precinct from the drop-down list. If you have users in your system who are restricted by precinct, they will only be able to see records in the precincts you have granted them access to.
Once you have filled in these details click the "Add This List" button to add the list to your mail room and close out of the screen. You have created an empty list in your mail room. Now that your list is created you need to add your constituents to it. To add constituents to your list, select the newly created list from the drop-down menu:
Then click, the "Add Constituents" button:
This opens a Search To Add Constituents To The Mailing List box. From here you will search for and select individual constituents to add to your list:

Simply enter the full or partial name for the constituent you wish to add to this list and then click the search

icon. Your constituent or a list of constituents that match the name will be shown:
To add this constituent to the list click the green plus

icon. Your constituent is now added to your list.
Once you have added a constituent to a list the list is saved and no further action is needed. You are free to continue adding constituents until your list is complete or close out of the list.