For your convenience, Argenta allows engagements to be assigned in bulk to a mailing list in the Mail Room.
To Add Engagements For Everyone In A Mail Room List
From the Argenta main menu on the left-hand side of the screen choose - Communication > Mail Room:
Choose one of the following tabs: Email Lists, U.S. Mailing Lists, or Text Messaging Lists. Choose the tab based on the mailing list you wish to add engagements based on.
Then select the email/mail/text list you wish to add engagements to, from the drop-down, "Select A Email/Mail/Text List To Display":
Once a list has been selected and is showing (You will see your list displayed below), click the "Add Engagements" button:
*If you want to include those constituents that have do not solicit, please place a checkmark in the Include No Solicit In Exports checkmark box.
This opens the Add Engagements screen:
From here you need to enter:
- Engagement Type - Choose your engagement type from the drop-down list. If the engagement type is not listed you can add a new one by selecting the Add New button. This is a required field.
- Team Member Who Engaged - You can select the team member who did the engagement by clicking the Lookup button, searching for and selecting the team member. This will default to the team member that is signed in.
- Engagement Date - You will enter an engagement date either by using the date selector or by manually entering a date. This is a required field.
- Record Type - Select a record type from the drop-down list. A record type is the constituent type that you engaged with. This can be any constituent type you are working with or if your list contains multiple types you will select "Constituents (No Specific Relationship)".
Once these details have been filled out, click the, “Mark All With This Engagement” button and an engagement will be added for each constituent in the corresponding list.