A board member is an individual who is part of an organization’s governing body. Board members are first created as constituents in Argenta and then assigned as board members.

To add a new board member, choose Constituents  > Board Members - from the main menu on the left side of the screen.



This open up your full listing of Active Board Member.  From here, click the “Add New” button:



This opens up the Add A New Board Member screen:


From here you need to enter this information:
  1. Constituent ID - To avoid duplicates in your database, choose the lookup button next to this field to search your database of constituents for the individual that you are wanting to create as a new board member. Type in the name or partial name to search for the individual, you can hit enter to search or select "Select From List."  (eg: Jane Doe or Jane) If your person is in the database as a Constituent you should select this individual by selecting the orange checkbox behind their name . This associates your constituent as a board member instead of creating a new record for them. If the person is not in the database, you can choose the Add New  button to enter them in. Do this only after you have searched your full constituent list to avoid duplicates. If you need help adding the new constituent please see our other KB article - Add Constituents. This is a required field.
  2. Board Member Category - Select a category from the drop-down list. Your options are: Current Board Member, Former Board Member, and Honorary Board Member. If a category is not listed you can add a new one by selecting the Add New  button.
  3. Term Start Date - Enter a term start date here. You can enter a date by manually typing in a date or by using the date selector. This is a required field.
  4. Term End Date - Enter a term end date, if necessary. You can enter a date by manually typing in a date or by using the date selector.
  5. Position On the Board - Enter a title for the board position in this field. 
Once these details have been entered, click the "Add Board Member" button save to add your new board member. You will be returned to your Active Board Member list.