The Argenta Mission Trip Module can be used to keep track of the Mission Trips you provide for other organizations, households or individuals who become a "Mission Trip Account". A Mission Trip Enrollment is how a Mission Trip Account becomes a participant in a Mission Trip. An enrollment is like purchasing a ticket for a Mission Trip. Enrollments are always associated to one, specific Mission Trip. Each Mission Trip Account with an enrollment in a Mission Trip, has a total number enrolled. This number is very important because it's used to calculate availability in a Mission Trip and all aspects of the Mission Trip Account's billing. There are two ways to add a Mission Trip Enrollment.  The first way is with the Mission Trip Enrollments module and the second way is from the Mission Trip List.
1. Mission Trip Enrollments
To get started, select Programs > Mission Trip Enrollments - from the main menu on the left side of the screen:
This opens your Mission Trip Enrollments screen. To add an enrollment, click the "Add New" button: 
This will pop-up the Add A Mission Trip Enrollment window:
Here, you need to fill out:
  1. Mission Trip - Select the Mission Trip you're creating an enrollment for. To select a Mission Trip click the Lookup  button to search for and select a mission trip. This is a required Field.
  2. Mission Trip Account - Select the Mission Trip Account you'd like to enroll. To select a Mission Trip Account click the Lookup  button to search for and select a mission trip account. This is a required field.
  3. Account Contact Who Enrolled - Select the person or contact making the enrollment on behalf of the Mission Trip Account. To select an Account Contact click the Lookup  button to search for and select an account contact. This is a required field.
    • If the account contact is an individual, simply select the same individual as the contact person.
Once these details have been selected, click the "Add Enrollment & Enter Details" button. This will add the enrollment and take you directly to the Mission Trip Enrollment Workspace where you can enter additional information about the enrollment. One this screen you should fill in these details:
  • Record Level Permissions - Set As View Only - Placing a checkmark in this box restricts this record to view only access unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to modify this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record. Permissions also work by assigning a department, district and/or precinct. If you have users in your system who are restricted by these permissions, they will only be able to see records in the departments/districts/precincts you have granted them access to.
  • Record Level Permissions - Lock This Record - Placing a checkmark in this box locks this record so that users cannot view or update the record unless the user is the user who created the record, the user is a master admin, or the user is given specific permission to access this record on the Record Permissions tab of this record.
  • Enrollment Approved - Place a checkmark in this box to approve the enrollment.
  • Contact Who Enrolled - This is brought over from the previous screen, however, you can make changed here if you need to. To search for and select another name use the Lookup  button. If the constituent is not listed you can add a new one from this screen by clicking the Add  button. If you wish to clear this constituent you can use the Clear Lookup  button. This is a required field.
  • On Site Coordinator - You need to specify an on site coordinator for this Mission Trip Enrollment. To search for and select a coordinator use the Lookup  button. If the constituent is not listed you can add a new one from this screen by clicking the Add  button. If you wish to clear this constituent you can use the Clear Lookup  button. This is a required field.
  • Team Member - You need to select a Team Member for this enrollment. To search for and select a team member use the Lookup  button.  If you wish to clear this team member you can use the Clear Lookup  button. This is a required field.
  • Acquisition Source - You can track how this enrollment was acquired by using this field. Select a source from the drop-down menu or if the source is not listed you can add a new one but clicking the Add New  button.
  • Enrollment Date - Enter a date of enrollment for the enrollee. You can manually enter a date or you can use the calendar popup to select a date. This is a required field.
  • Enrollment Status - Select a status from the drop down menu. Your options are: Pending, Enrolled, Confirmed, Cancelled, or Closed/Complete.
  • Number Enrolled - This is the number of participants that you are enrolling in your mission trip. Enter the number of participants that you are enrolling here. This is a required field.
  • Enrollment Description or Information - If you wish to add a description or other information to this enrollment you can add those here.
  • Related Files - If you have any files that you would like to save to this enrollment you may add those here. To add a file click the "Browse" button to search for and select files from your computer. Or drag and drop files from your computer into the "Drag & Drop box". Click the "Save The Selected File" button to save your files.
  • Notes - You can add any additional notes to this enrollment by selecting the "Add New" button and adding a note to this record.
Be sure to save your record by selecting the save icon from the top:
Or by clicking the "Save All Changes & Exit" button:
As mentioned before, this is one way to complete an enrollment. The second way to enroll accounts is from the Mission Trip List.
2. Mission Trip List
To get started, select Programs > Mission Trip List - from the main menu on the left side of the screen:
To add an enrollment from the Mission Trip List, open the Mission Trip you would like to enroll an entity into, by clicking the orange open icon in the corresponding row:
This will open the Mission Trip Workspace screen. From here select the "Enrollments" tab:
The Accounts Enrolled in this Mission Trip screen is displayed. From here, click the "Add A New Enrollment" button:
The Add Enrollment panel will slide down:
From here you need to:
  • Mission Trip Account - Use the corresponding Lookup  button to select the Mission Trip Account that you would like to enroll. Search for and select the account you wish to enroll. This is a required field.
  • Account Contact - Use the corresponding Lookup  button to select the Account Contact. Search for and select the contact for this account. This is a required field.
Once these details have been selected, click the "Add Enrollment" button. Your enrollment is now added. From here you need to update a few more fields:

  • Enrollment Status - Using the drop down list here to change the enrollment status to "Enrolled."
  • Number Enrolled - Change the "Number Enrolled" field to the total number of participants associated to the selected Mission Trip Account.
From here you need to save your changes. Save your changes by clicking the Save  button for the record you updated.