Argenta allows you to build templates and send out email to your constituents through lists and campaigns. In addition, every public interface form (like your donation and event ticket sales forms) sends an acknowledgement and/or a receipt. Notifications from the system are sent to a designated email address and if you choose emails that are sent to your supporters can come from an email address associated to your organization. You can designate email addresses in Argenta by clicking "Subscription" in the top right menu, then selecting the Email Settings tab.
The first field, "Primary Email Address for All Notifications" should contain the email address where all notifications from the system should be sent. All of the other fields should be set to the email address you want to use in each category. For example, if you have a fundraising manager, their email address could be used for sending and receiving all notifications related to donations. If you only have one email address you want to use for all email, enter it in every field. The system won't sent duplicate emails.
Argenta sends emails using The Amazon Web Services Email Relay, one of the most trusted ways of sending email. This means more emails will be successfully delivered. Sending email through AWS requires email verification. If you would like the emails you send to come from your own email address... 
  • Select the Email Address Verification tab.
  • Enter the email address in the "Email Address to Validate" field.
  • Click the Validate button.
  • AWS will send an email to that email address within a few minutes.
  • Click the link in the email you receive.
  • Once the email address has been validated, you'll see it on this screen, and you can begin sending emails.
The next, and very important, step is to set up a dedicated sending domain so that when emails reach inbox providers, they will appear to come from your brand, rather than from Argenta. The process of setting up a dedicated sending domain improves deliverability in the eyes of inbox providers since you will now send from your own designated domain. As such, your sender email address (i.e., "from" address) will match the domain you’re sending from. This means that your emails will no longer appear to be sent by Argenta.
This step of the process requires you to request Domain Name Server (DNS) records from Argenta. To do this enter the domain name you would like to use, eg: then click the "Generate DNS Records" button.

Next, you must complete tasks outside of Argenta. Go to your company’s DNS provider’s platform or consult your IT team on next steps. Apply the DNS key you received from Argenta with your domain registration service. Not all domain registration services allow you to directly edit all DNS records. If you cannot update the records, contact your DNS provider for information on how to update them.

Here are a few links to the most common email provider's instructions on how to apply the DNS key:
If you require assistance with this process, submit a Help Desk ticket through Help & Support (menu, top right) in Argenta. After all of these steps have been completed you are ready to send and receive email with Argenta!