Mission Trip Refunds are added, processed and applied by enrollment.  To add a Mission Trip Refund, select Programs > Mission Trip Enrollments - from the main menu on the left side of the screen:
To add a refund, select the Mission Trip Account that you wish to refund by using the corresponding open icon . This will open the Mission Trip Enrollment Workspace. From here select the "Payment & Refunds" tab.
This will open the Mission Trip Enrollment Payments & Refunds screen. Scroll down and select the "Add A New Refund" button:
This will open the "Add Mission Trip Refunds" screen:
On this screen you need to:
  1. Contact Who Was Refunded - Use the Lookup  button to search for and select the person you're refunding the money to. This is a required field.
  2. Refund Date - Enter a refund date, either by using the date picker or by filling in the date manually. This is a required field.
  3. Amount Refunded - Enter an amount to be refunded. This is a required field.
Once this information has been entered. click the "Add Refund & Enter Details" button to add the refund and start entering the details of the refund. This will redirect you to the full refund details screen where you can add any additional information about the refund:
This is where you will enter the additional details about the refund: 
  1. Add This Refund To The General Journal - If you added the initial payment to your General Journal you should now reverse that by adding the refund to the General Journal as well. To do this, check this check box.
    • Fund - Argenta uses nonprofit, fund accounting. If you added the initial payment to a fund, make sure to choose the same fund for the refund.
    • Deposit or Checking Account - Select the deposit or checking account where you initially added your payment.
    • Account - Select the account from your chart of accounts where you originally debited the funds.
  2. Contact Refunded - This will display the contact you selected on the previous screen. You can change the contact person at any time during this process by using the Lookup  button. This field is required.
  3. Refund Date - This displays the refund date you entered on the previous screen. You can change the refund date at any time during this process. This field is required.
  4. Refund Status - This field is used to indicate whether the actual refund has been issued, is on hold or if the refund is still outstanding.
    • If you have made payment back to the party receiving the refund the status should be set to "Paid."
    • If you haven't, the status would be set to "Outstanding."
    • A third option is to put the refund on hold, by selecting "On Hold."
  5. Amount Refunded - This field displays the refund amount you entered on the previous screen. You can change the refund amount at any time during this process. This field is required.
  6. Refund Method - Use this field to indicate how you have refunded the money. Choices include: Cash, Check, Cashier's Check, EFT, etc.
  7. Check/Reference Number - If there is a check, PO, or reference number you can enter it.
  8. Refund Category - If you'd like to use refund categories to classify your mission trip refunds, you can create them in the "Classification Codes" section of Argenta, then use them here. Refunds can be classified using a category which is considered a classification code. Argenta comes loaded with common refund categories to help you get started, but you can change them at any time. Select a category from the drop-down list. This field is not required, but highly useful.
  9. Department - If you would like to associate the refund to a specific department select one from the drop-down list. 
  10. Refund Description/Reason - If you would like to provide a reason for the refund you can enter it here. This field is not required, but it's a good idea to give a reason a refund was issued.
  11. Related Files - Like all other modules and sections in Argenta, you can also add an unlimited number of related files to this refund.  Make sure to save your changes first before adding related files. If you would like to add any related files to this refund you can do so here. This could be a copy of the refund check, etc. Simply click the "Browse" button to search for and select a file from your computer or drag and drop the file into the "Drag & Drop File Box".
  12. Notes - If you would like to add any notes to the refund you do so in the Notes section. To add a note click the "Add Note" button. This will open the "Add A New Note" screen where you can type a note. Click the "Save & Add This Note" button to save the note and be returned to your refund workspace. 
Once these details have been filled out you will save the refund. You can save the refund and get out of the refund workspace by selecting the "Save All Changes & Exit" button or use the "Save All Changes & Continue" button to save your changes but stay in the Mission Trip Refunds screen.